Thursday, August 29, 2024

Memo to Christians - Get to Work!

(Both you and I - each with faults a mile long - are here to do His work - NOW! - CL)

Read full text:

I know there are many understandings of these types of episodes in the people out of whom Jesus would come – corruption, trickery, deceit.  But this didn’t have to be their history; God could have preserved their story, preserved their integrity.  Just in their dealings, honest in transactions.  The Savior coming from people with integrity would have been a much cleaner story.

But this is not what He did.  God didn’t even clean up the Scriptures to hide these injustices and transgressions.  He could have done so, but He did not.

Perhaps one understanding of this is an offering of one more example of the glory, might, and authority of God.  That even out of such a people, God can do His will through them for good.