Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Seed oils kill - Truth In Labeling: Make It Law

 Read full text: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=251881 

Seed oils kill.

They're extremely dangerous and this has been known for decades.  They're especially dangerous if you've already had a coronary problem; a study found a whopping sixty-two percent increase in all-cause mortality, as I pointed out the other day, in people who had already had a recent coronary event.  This study was deliberately buried for a long time; the work was completed way before it was published (1966 - 1973!) it was only published in 2013 but of course you're told to eat these oils rather than animal fats, even today.

You would have great trouble running this study today because these oils are extremely difficult to avoid and thus establishing a control group would be very hard to validate.  There are basically zero packaged products on the shelves that have any oil content in them at all that are not packed full of this crap and every restaurant of any sort uses them -- in most cases, exclusively so even if they "tell you" its butter.  In the 1960s and 70s such a study was easy because most people cooked most of their food at home, the only common oil of that sort in most homes was Crisco and most people used butter or reserved animal fats for cooking generally -- you mother in that era almost-certainly had a coffee cup in the fridge for the bacon grease (mine sure did; I remember it!) and the few fast food places (e.g. McDonalds') used tallow or other animal fats to fry their fries and other foods.

These oils are, on the evidence, extremely dangerous to the point that you can reasonably call them metabolic poisons and this has been known for fifty years and deliberately concealed.