Monday, August 26, 2024

Some Bear Over The Rainbow/The zoo and the wild frontier. by Good Citizen

(A long - but very interesting read - for those young folks in our families, as reality will increasingly slap them in the face in the coming months and years......the future was lost by your grandparents in America.....but it beckons in other places in the world. - CL) 

This started as a short note and grew from there beyond the word limit allowed, so I had no choice but to spend another few hours making it a post, which turned into a couple of days and is now a monster I can’t control.

It’s directed mostly at young Americans, Canadians, Australians, and Brits, or the adventurous Xoomer or Boomer out there.....


Americans and Westerners are fleeing to Russia in greater numbers.


Let’s start with simple reasons.

The cost of groceries in Russia to (pre) reinforce my coming points.

For more (pre) reinforcement, here’s Tucker Carlson in Russia last winter doing the same thing.

“Coming to a Russian grocery store (the heart of evil) to see what things cost and how people live. It will radicalize you against our leaders.”

Why are things so much cheaper in Russia?

This question has garnered much debate among Jon Leibowitz viewers (aka Jon Stewart) after he mocked Tucker while completely ignoring his points about Russia and out-of-control inflation in America. I was more surprised to find out people still watch Jon Liebowitz, than how low prices are in Russia.

Econ 101: cost of goods production and raw materials, plus manufacturing time, distance of goods traveled times price of a unit of energy transport per measure of distance, plus labor wages, plus retailer profit margin equals consumer prices. Something like that, I’m not going to look it up.

Inflation 101: the more money a government prints, the less value each unit of (already worthless) currency holds.

I put already worthless in parenthesis because money has always been just an illusion of value (formerly based on scarcity) for the exchange of goods and services now only backed by government force and power. Nothing more. Especially, since the gold standard was abandoned back in 1971, and even more so since the Saudi-agreed Petrodollar was abandoned back in June of this year.

Econ 001: If we all switched to currencies like Zcash and Monero (and silver bits for physical transactions), we could defeat this global cabal of a few thousand that have enslaved eight billion and we could do it in under a week, but that would be so easy, and most people are too busy flipping their thumb up a gorilla glass screen to be bothered with such meaningless decisions.

Econ 102: Russia has an abundance of energy. The cost of a gallon of petrol is currently $2.08 in Moscow, the most expensive city. In some parts, it’s as low as $1.89. Amsterdam and other EU cities are sitting at $6-$7 per gallon, while on the Empire front, the average price is down to $3.55, though many highly-taxed blue states are looking at $4.70-$5.00.

Econ 666: Russian citizens don’t need to buy a 4000-square-foot McMansion with 3000-square-foot basements to build a sarcophagus for themselves to be mummified in as a memorial to their stellar careers at Raytheon, Purdue Pharma, McKinsey, or any useless Federal department of managerial maggots. The people live much simpler lives. They don’t have a choice. This means in addition to cheap energy they have lower labor costs.

The Boomers used to downgrade to a condo after retirement. Now they won’t move out. The refuse. Some of them are upgrading to larger houses, it’s insane! They will lord over their broke kids, who will come and stay in their nine empty-bedroom homes for the holidays that they bought for two hundred thousand, and remind their kids strapped with student loan debt every Thanksgiving that the house is now worth $2 million…and even on their death beds they will refuse to sell because it’s the only thing that defines them. They’ll be dying and the ambulance will be parked in the driveway, and they’ll refuse to leave.

— Tim Dillon