Monday, August 12, 2024

The FBI, Leading Indicator of Deep State Priorities - By Karen Kwiatkowski

(Unless and until American churchians discover their servitude to Satan - DaSynagogue of Satan show will continue. However, their own lack of discernment regarding whom to serve is not without cost - to themselves and their children.

Read Hebrews 5:11-6:2 - if that doesn't describe the present condition of evangelicals and all of  churchianity, I don't know what does - their lack of discernment between good and evil is abominable - its pathetic - the cost of which will be tragic to all of civilization!
This is true especially when you consider what Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:18-20 - so......whose servants are we? - CL)

Read full text: 

When Americans understand how Israel was formed, how it politically operates at home, and in Washington, and some of its past relations with the United States, they are then able to form an actual opinion, as opposed to having their opinions created for them at their Israeli-funded church, or by their AIPAC-paid-for politicians.