Friday, August 9, 2024

The Fix Is NOT Available By Voting - by Karl Denninger

(Note to Gen Z: This is all about YOUR FUTURE - I advise you to read it ALL.

Sorry, but your grandparents and their generation allowed this travesty to develop. - CL)

We either end this now by whatever means are necessary to enforce its cessation on a permanent basis or we will not only take the inevitable cross-over of the replacement of workers as they age out and die but worse, the exponential decline of skilled and necessary new entrants will accelerate over the next few decades and eventually the entire nation will be like Flint where there was no safe water to drink -- and it won't just be the water, it will be literally everything from power to water, to sewer to medical care, food supply, cops and firefighters.

This is how Rome fell -- and it is what we're headed for if we don't stop it.