Sunday, August 4, 2024

Why comics matter - a very good explanation - CULTURE!

(Why comics matter - a very good explanation - especially if you wonder where some of the creatures you see in the grocery store came from. - CL)

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I understand that a lot of my readers are far more interested in US politics, war, economics, and religion than they are in what sometimes must appear to be a tempest in a fairly small teapot. But this reluctance to pay attention to the details of the high ground in the cultural war is one reason that Clown World has successfully managed to subvert Western civilization in general and the USA in particular.

I’ve never watched a Mr. Beast video. But tens of millions of children have, and they are influenced by the hedonistic, secular, and ultimately satanic philosophy being pushed by him. I don’t own a single Neil Gaiman book, comic, or movie, and few of you probably read him either, but he’s one of the best-selling, most highly-awarded authors of the last forty years.

If you don’t fight a cultural war, you will lose it, and then you will lose your culture. That’s why these things matter, even if you don’t happen to care very much about that particular battleground. Because they certainly do; here is but one of many similar examples.