Thursday, September 12, 2024

9-1-1 Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust. - Good Citizen

Time discovers truth.

— Seneca

USS Liberty (1967)

On June 8, 1967, during the 6-Day War, Israel attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked planes and torpedo boats, killing 34 sailors and injuring 121 more. Israel knew it was a U.S. ship, and attacked it anyway. The U.S. government and its corporate media lackeys have spent 55 years covering up the truth of this incident. There is no recognition or memorial to those who were deliberately murdered. Why was the USS Liberty attacked? It likely intercepted radio communications of the Israeli mass execution of unarmed Egyptian POWs.


“I could not care less about a few dead sailors, I will not embarrass my ally Israel.”

— Lyndon B Johnson during the USS Liberty attack 

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