Saturday, September 14, 2024

Basic Premise: Get Out, Or Else - by Karl Denninger

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Yeah, I'll say it and I don't give a shit what someone calls me for doing so.

There are humans that are, and always will be, utterly incompatible with America.  We have let hundreds of thousands of them in under false pretense and false claims -- knowingly false claims.  The politicians who did so, the mayors, governors, cops and others who have stood back and allowed this or even suborned it, must go.  They must either leave public life and all of these people must be expelled or eventually there will be a civil war.

I am speaking most-particularly of the crazy-level invasion of Haitians but not exclusively so.  These are a people who literally destroyed their own nation over the last 200 years and have refused to do a damn thing to fix it themselves.  They clear-cut their own hillsides leading to utter devastation because they were unable to think far enough ahead to realize that a hurricane would inevitably strike because of where their nation is, and when it did, if they clear-cut the trees on said hillsides, there would be ruinous mudslides.  They had zero capacity to express time preference which is a mark of people with IQs under 80, which is incidentally incompatible with American life by any standard; these people cannot even be janitors in a modern society.