Sunday, December 29, 2024

Ramaswampy Doesn't Know America - Vox Popoli

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 When America didn’t allow millions of Hindus to invade the USA, American culture venerated the prom queen and produced the world’s best engineers. Ramaswampy doesn’t know anything about American culture for the obvious reason: he’s not an American and the USA he grew up in was culturally dominated by the self-serving foreign elite that has driven the USA into second-world status.

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswampy are not the good guys. They’re not Americans and they’re not on the side of America at all. They’re the Deep State’s attempt to control the nationalist opposition, which is why you’re seeing them come out hard against Americans, nationalism, and sooner or later, Christianity. As to why “Trump” is putting them front and center of his incoming administration, well, either Trump has been fully corrupted by the Deep State, Trump is playing his would-be gatekeepers, or the individual playing the role of Donald Trump is not, in fact, the genuine Trump.

No doubt that sounds far-fetched, but then, most people thought it was pretty far-fetched when I said that Joe Biden was a) senile and b) did not win the 2020 election.

Regardless, Americans just want the USA to be American again. Ramaswampy and his fake elite are part of the problem, not the solution.