Sunday, December 22, 2024

This is Not a School Failure - Vox Popoli

(The easiest thing to do when evil prevails all around us...we either ignore and close our eyes to it - as we often do - or blame others for what is clearly OUR RESPONSIBILITY! Which - BTW - is the primary premise of - - WeDaPeople are responsible for our failures in GOVERNMENT-RELIGION-POLITICS-CULTURE - so stop saying 'not my job'!

When our house is infested by termites.....where were we? - CL)

Read full text: 

It’s bad enough that parents force their children to go to public schools, in which “callous indifference” is designed from the start. But to ignore the suffering of a child who is a square peg in the round hole, and expect the school to eliminate it, or even mitigate it, is a complete dereliction of parental duty. Especially when homeschooling the child is an easy and legal option.

Indiana homeschool families are not required to register with the state and do not have to do any testing or reporting.

If your child is being bullied at school, don’t hesitate to pull him or her out of school immediately and keep him out until the matter is well and truly sorted. And never, ever, rely upon the school authorities to do anything whatsoever to defend your child; even the kindest-hearted schoolteacher or school administrator has responsibilities that do not permit them to do much, if anything, to prevent one or more schoolchildren from bullying or otherwise preying upon another child.

Far too many parents are quite happy to abandon their own responsibilities in the false belief that the schools operate in loco parentis. They never have and they never will.