Saturday, January 4, 2025

It Is Always CHEAPER To Cheat

 (Yes - crime does pay - especially if it's BIG TIME! - CL)

Read full text: 

If you can extort someone into buying "health insurance" by presenting to them an "Explanation of Benefits" that shows a non-insured price of $100,000 but the insurance company paid $10,000 for the same thing you can effectively force via said extortion the purchase of your "insurance".  Of course this requires your active conspiracy between your firm and the service provider which appears on its face to violate several laws, but its easier and cheaper to do that than it is to actually give useful advice on personal health like, for example, do not eat carbs in size and do not use seed oils at all; if you did that there might not be a need for the health services in the first place.

If you can lie on an H-1b application as an employer that you have had no layoffs in the previous 90 days and will not in the next 90 when in fact you have and then do that saves you a crap-ton of money which goes directly to your bottom line and screws Americans.

And if you can somehow manage to employ an illegal alien even though he has no CDL (which he can't have as he's not here legally) rather than paying a US CDL holder a competitive wage to drive your trucks that is cheaper than paying the competitive wage.  Oh, then said person claims he has a bomb when stopped and totally fucks up traffic on a major highway for roughly six hours.

Why does all this crap go on?

Because nobody ever goes to prison for any of it.