(When one mentions race - the average American knee-jerk reaction is 'it's the Blacks'......the fact in reality is IT IS NOT! But of course, that requires some reading and research...... - CL)
No one today in our well-meaning woke society where racial reality is staunchly denied would be allowed to admit that racial and not religious considerations, for example, are the Jews’ main motive for waging war on humanity. But truth be told, Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), the Jewish prime minister of Queen Victoria from 1874 to 1880, was right:
No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity—it is written by people who do not understand [or do not want to understand] the race question and what belongs to it.[22]
Thus, you cannot understand Globalism and its off-shoot, Zionism, if the racial factor is excluded. Race is real[23],[24]; competition between races and individuals is a basic instinct — it’s survival of the fittest — and Jews are exceptionally good at this game. Not because they are more intelligent but because they are better organized and have a higher degree of racial solidarity (hyper-ethnocentrism). As Wilmot Robertson explains in his book The Dispossessed Majority, one of the best contemporary American underground bestsellers ever published,
The truth seems to be that any organized minority with a given amount of intelligence can obtain supremacy over a disorganized majority of equal intelligence. A race-conscious population group is far more effective and successful than in most forms of endeavour than a race-unconscious population group. … To put it in a different perspective, Jewish power may derive as much or more from majority weakness and disorganization as from Jewish strength.[25]
As a minority, always on the defensive, Jews developed by natural selection effective competitive and survival skills. Lacking in brute force, they learned early on that as a minority, money and deception as a group evolutionary survival strategy was the best way not only to protect themselves but to achieve their hegemonic goals by weakening and destabilizing the majority. This is a well-known fact across history and one of the main reasons many Jews are so disliked by everyone that deals with them. Jews have the reputation of being masters of lying and deceit.[26]