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Over the last year and a half, I’ve been doing all that I can to push RFK Jr.’s candidacy along. This was essentially because: • From both mutual friends who know him personally and my own interactions with him, I know that RFK Jr. is sincerely dedicated to advancing the issues I believe are important and hence unlikely to sell-out to the pharmaceutical industry (whereas the majority of ... |
Manipulating the Public
When I was in middle school (due to the boys around me entering puberty) I quickly became acutely aware of the common tricks children would use to manipulate others to get what they want, and before long, noticed that many adults were doing the same things, and then that the media was as well (which I later realized indicated they were copying each other).
This rapidly became immensely frustrating for me as I began to see how frequently the media would lie to people, the people around me would then believe it, and that it was often impossible to change their minds regardless of what I said.
To sublimate my frustration, I decided to start seeing if could predict what would happen in the future based on how the things were being portrayed in the present by the media, and before long, patterns started to repeat and the nature of the propaganda we were being exposed to indeed made it possible to predict what its end goal would be (that typically came to fruition).