Friday, February 7, 2025

Not a Single White Government Represents the Interests of Its White Ethnic Population |

(Are Whites on a suicide mission? - CL)

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What I do not understand is why is there a single member of these white governments still alive.  Why hasn’t an outraged population pulled both the governments and the rape gangs the governments protect out in the streets and killed every one of them?

The answer seems to be that white people have been indoctrinated against themselves.  Believing themselves to be racists, they lack the self-belief to protect themselves and their children.  The few who dared to speak out have been fired from jobs, arrested and imprisoned, and called every name in the book. The political parties that have attempted to represent the white ethnic peoples have had their leaders demonized as Nazis and arrested on false indictments and imprisoned.  At the moment Marine Le Pen, whose party is the largest in France but kept from office, is awaiting sentencing for a non-crime.

If you give this a moment’s thought, you will see how insane the picture is.  What we see are white governments that refuse to defend their own women but are urging citizens to prepare for war with other white people in Russia.  If such a war occurs, Europe will cease to exist.