Sunday, February 2, 2025

On Karl Denninger

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In 2023 NASA recovered a spacecraft it had sent to deliberately collide with (and was designed to survive that) and thus obtain samples from the asteroid.

What was found in said samples is astounding.

The majority of amino acids that form the basis of all life on Earth were found -- 14 of the 20.  Further, all five of the nucleobases used to craft DNA and RNA into those amino acids were also found, as well as ammonia and formaldehyde, which between the two are the precursors for those.

In addition salts -- including sodium chloride, or common salt, was also found.  That finding is equally significant as it is essential for the formation and maintenance of all life and for all of this to be found in one place is akin to the 2010 (movie) segment when they find chlorophyll where it has no reason to be.

One caution: As I've repeatedly observed over this column's lifetime, and long before it as well in other context, science is not simply the process of discovery; science is, in every case, about replication and conclusions cannot be drawn without replication.

Not in this case and not in any other case.

But -- assuming the findings are true and were not the result of contamination (pre or post), malfeasance or other-than-straightforward presence and recovery the findings are profound.