Sunday, February 2, 2025

Race Realism Vindicated: Archaic Human DNA Found in Black Africans, by Spencer J. Quinn - The Unz Review

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That Africans carry more ancestral alleles (=archaic or apes) has been well demonstrated by the rooting of phylogenetic trees in Africa for both autosomes and uniparental DNAs by using the outgroup rooting method. Biological significance of this? Eerie silence.

Of course, we all know what this eerie silence entails—educated people once again confronting their reflexively liberal worldview with stubborn and uncomfortable facts. If black Africans interbred with more primitive humans after Homo sapiens departed from Africa, then that explains much, doesn’t it? It explains the relative low intelligence among sub-Saharan blacks as well as their violent tendencies and general lack of impulse control—which is, frankly, chimp-like. Sub-Saharan blacks are effectively a sub-species of Homo sapiens, and a more primitive one at that. The elegance of this explanation—in its simplicity, brevity, and harmony with obvious facts—should be lost on no one, including honest blacks themselves. But falling sway to this elegance comes at a political price, which is to vindicate the traditionalist, segregationist Right. Those who cling to liberal egalitarian principals are loath to do this, and thus dig their heels into race denialism—or squirm in “eerie silence,” hoping the issue will go away.

The problem is that it doesn’t go away. With more black people in our midst, the problems only increase as does the evidence of our obvious differences. It may sound like basic bitch at this point (for those readers familiar with my writing), but the crime, violence, poverty, chaos, corruption, and drug abuse black Africans bring with them everywhere they go becomes a serious burden for any nation of non-blacks which takes them in.