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There are several ways to interpret this segment of history that carries the seed of all the tragedies of the twentieth century (“the Jewish century” according to Yuri Slezkine).[1] There are distinct viewpoints about the forces shaping history at this crucial time. But in the end, history is made by men, and it can be understood only if one identifies the main actors and their motives: you just cannot understand the Vietnam War without digging into Johnson’s or Kissinger’s mindset. One name stands out among the instigators of the Treaty of Berlin: Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), prime minister under Queen Victoria from 1868 to 1869, and again from 1874 to 1880. Disraeli was also the man who made the takeover of the Suez Canal by England possible in 1875, through funding from his friend Lionel de Rothschild, son of Nathan Mayer — an operation that consolidated the Rothschilds’ control over the Bank of England.