Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Secret of NPCs - Never Trust a Wizard

The reason you are unable to convince NPCs to question the official narrative isn't because they are stupid or complaint, it is because they prioritize the Ingsoc Narrative over reality.

All NPC's are Parsons......

Read full text:

Ignorance is not their problem!  Neither Parsons in this account cared about the data, neither cared about objective reality, the latter Parsons broke off contact. For whatever reason, a Parsons does not require to have been “broken in” as Winston did. This is a feature, not a bug, this is built into their software. There is nothing “wrong” with a Parsons, they are wired differently.

Keep this in mind before trying to change one.

Note that all NPCs are Parsons, but not all Parsons are NPCs.