Friday, May 1, 2020

Science?-Balderdash! Natural Rights?-From Where? And a few other goodies!

Every once in a while, some things come together – as in the total is greater than the sum of its parts – like today!

First - There is no such thing as The Science – another Coronavirus fallacy
If you hear a politician say “we’re following The Science”, then what that means is they don’t really understand what science is. There isn’t such a thing as The Science. Science is a mindset.

In - Considering Coronagate: Looking to the Constitution Will Only Guarantee More Tyranny - By Gary D. Barnett – who is one of my favorite authors and often posted in DaLimbraw Library – brings up the futility of arguing Constitutional rights and the need to rely on our NATURAL rights instead.
“…..but I feel it necessary to once again remind people that they are individuals with inherent rights, and looking to government to understand or validate your rights guarantees that you will have none.”

I used to worship DaConstitution and have SLOWLY come to realize it’s a dead letter, but I digress. What I want to focus on is this source of our NATURAL rights – often quoted by various authors. What are they and where do they come from?

Lo and behold - bionic mosquito: A World Without Christianity… - bionic analyzes a source that addresses that question head-on!
GS: Could we, though, have generated some sort of human rights [absent Christianity]?

TH: I don’t see why you would.   Why would you?  The idea that human rights kind of hangs in the ether waiting to be discovered is as theological as believing that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and sits at the hand of God the Father.  It requires a leap of faith.

It is interesting:  we consider that natural rights “hang in the ether waiting to be discovered,” and this is true enough.  But I think it is only true enough if one first accepts that man is made in God’s image and that God, in Jesus, gave us the means by which to understand proper virtues.

TH: The difference is that Christians recognize the divinity of Christ requires belief, whereas lots of people just assume that human rights exist, but they do not.  They are a result of various legal developments in medieval Christendom.  It doesn’t just spontaneously emerge.

Obviously, you should read the whole thing, but here is what I call DaChristianConundrum per Crush Limbraw: “In the foreword to his book “Millennialism and Social Theory”, the author Gary North makes what I considered an ironic statement. He noted that when a secular academic finds out that his book was written by a bible believing Christian, he would immediately toss it away as not credible. The Christian believer, on the other hand, has zero interest in social theory. I can personally confirm the last statement by my personal experience with various Christian churches and study groups – they’re not interested!
Therein lies the problem. The bible, especially the old testament, is full of social theory. Yet, the academics won’t take the time to study those theories – and the Christian believers, who have turned their faith into a personal pursuit of pietism, aren’t interested because it doesn’t fit their presupposition of end time theology.
Both parties in this alliance live in total ignorance of possible solutions to our civil societies’ problems, because they have already made up their minds as to what is truth.
A plague on both of those mindsets! Prove all things and hold on to that which is good!”

Welcome to America, eh?

Related Studies - Except for the website, all these studies are word queries from DaLimbraw Library:
Churchianity – arranged by latest first
Science – also arranged by latest first

Surely, you can improve and expand this on your own initiative.
Get to work!
Time’s a wasting!