Friday, November 13, 2020

An Election Stolen by Computer Rigging? Again? - by Gary North (Electoral fraud is as old as voting - with computers it is MAGNIFIED - PERFECTLY! - CL)

Remnant Review

We are watching something wonderful. I don't mean the theft. I mean the awareness of Trump's supporters of the theft. They are not going to forget in 2024.

They are not going to go away, either.

If as few as 1/10 of 1% of them are so ticked off that they get involved on a permanent basis in precinct politics in the Republican Party, they are going to take back the Republican Party. That has not happened since 1924.

Let's review some ancient history.


In 1992, a book by James and Kenneth Collier was published: Votescam: The Stealing of America. The background to this book is this. It began in 1970, when Kenneth ran against Congressman Claude "Red" Pepper in Dade County, Florida. Here is a summary.

In 1970, Ken ran for Congressman in Dade County, Florida against the then-representative Claude Pepper. The Colliers became interested in the projections by television networks, particularly in how they were incredibly accurate. When the computers malfunctioned and shut off for some time, Ken had lost 15 percentage points. The networks claimed that the courthouse computer malfunctioned, which caused them to lose access to the official voting tally. This claim was proved false by the Dade County data processing chief, who asserted that the county computer had never been down or slowed.

As they researched further, they found that the official results released by the Secretary of State's office for the September primary, October runoff, and November final vote were mathematically impossible. For the governor's race and the senate race in Florida, an identical number of votes had been cast in all three elections.

The Colliers then found that one of the local news stations had predicted with almost complete accuracy the results of 40 elections with 250 candidates four minutes after the polls closed. Another station predicted, accurately, the vote total at 96,499. The networks claimed the accuracy came from a formula programmed by an employee at the University of Miami, Elton Davis. When the brothers approached Davis to question about the suspicious perfection of his formula, he allegedly responded, "You'll never prove it, now get out."

Because members of the League of Women Voters were reported to have called in votes on election night in November, the brothers also approached the head of the League, Joyce Deiffenderfer, who admitted there were no League members in the field that night. She began crying and said, "I don't want to get caught up in this thing."

This interview took place in 1996. James says the 1970 election was a trial run for computer vote theft.

This is on Bitchute. The video was pulled from YouTube.

(Link to website below for video.)

Whoever produced the video put in background music during the interview. This was silly. The first minute of the video is music only. Bear with it.

You can buy the book on Kindle for $11.


In 1996, Pat Buchanan had his Republican victory stolen from him in Arizona. The Republican establishment wanted the boring but safe Senator Bob Dole nominated. It was obvious that Dole would lose to Clinton. That did not matter to the Republican establishment.

Condit's article described how this theft was conducted. Sadly, the article is not available on the Chronicles site. I searched for it. I could not find it. Happily, another site did post it here. Print it out. Read it carefully. Learn how establishment politics works.

Condit called me in the spring of 2000. He feared that there would be an attempt by the Democrats to steal the election in November. He was correct. (I had about forgotten this call, but I came across Condit's report on our discussion. You can read it here.)


This was posted in November 2006. This is testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. The meeting was held in Ohio. The speaker was Clinton Curtis. He was testifying about the election of 2000.

He later became a politician. He has repeatedly and unsuccessfully run for Congress. He got the Democrats' nomination this year in a traditionally safe Republican district in Florida. He was soundly defeated.

Twenty years ago in November, no one knew who had been elected President. It all came down to the Secretary of State in Florida, Katherine Harris. She was a Republican. She had to certify the winner in Florida's recount: Gore or Bush. She declared for Bush. He was ahead by 537 votes. That decision went to the Supreme Court, which upheld her decision.

On November 23, I mailed a copy of Reality Check to my 35,000 subscribers. I posted it on September 9, 2005, the first year of this site. You need to read it.



In this letter, I attempt to kill several birds with one digital stone.

First, for subscribers to REMNANT REVIEW, a warning: your December 1 issue may arrive late. I need to wait until Monday morning to find out who unofficially won in Florida. Then I have to write the issue. Then it has to be printed. It may not get mailed on Friday, December 1. If not, this will be only the second time in over 26 years that I mailed it out late. This election has created major problems for us paper-based newsletter writers. I love the Internet!

Second, I wanted all of you to read my essay on the economics of Thanksgiving. It was published on Lew Rockwell's site on Wednesday. For over twenty years, I had intended to write this essay, but I never remembered until Thanksgiving week, and then it was too late to submit it to a magazine (probably THE FREEMAN). Then I would forget all about it until the following November. Again, hooray for the Internet -- specifically, the World Wide Web. I wrote this on Tuesday, and it was on-line on Wednesday. What a great technology for communicating unconventional ideas!

Third, I want to comment on an e-mail that I received, as well as a reply to my comment on this e-mail. I do not vouch for its accuracy. Nevertheless, the information does not surprise me. It should be verified before we do anything about it. But if it's true, it goes beyond mere moral outrage. It's criminal. First, the e-mail, which I received on Wednesday, November 22.

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 07:40:10 -0600
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: Fw: urgent prayer for florida secretary of state

Please fast and pray Monday for Katherine Harris-Secretary of State-Florida. She is a born-again Christian. Katherine Harris is the sister of Wes King's wife. He is a local Christian artist. Secretary Harris has received hundreds of death threats and has been moved to a safe house. Furthermore she is scheduled to be further harmed by the media.

Secretary Harris believes she has been placed in this spot for "such a time as this". Members of the family have asked that we pray and fast as in Queen Esther's day.

This is a model of what an impersonal e-mail letter should be: a good headline, short and to the point. Then it presents important, immediately relevant news. It also suggests specific action to take.

If the story of the death threats is true, then the news media are covering up a story that would be a front-page sensation -- a way to increase sales or viewers. It is such a huge story that even if it isn't true, it should be covered and shown to be false. Either this letter is completely false or else the news media know how damaging this report would be for the Democrats.

Mrs. Harris is no dummy who just fell off the orange juice wagon. She has an MA from Harvard University.

She happens to be a Republican. But if death threats are involved, it doesn't matter what party she belongs to. Death threats are a form of assault -- a felony.

So, after I received this e-mail, I sent a reply. Obviously, either there is a media cover-up or else the information is grotesquely false. But it doesn't sound false. So, I made a very brief reply:

If the death threats figure can be verified, she should be interviewed by CBN. The news contact is Drew Parkhill.

CBN is Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network. That would seem to be the appropriate media outlet for a woman who is a Christian, who is under assault, and whose plight is being ignored by the establishment media.

There were several people on the recipients' list. So, I clicked the "Reply All" button instead of the "Reply" button. I figured there might be more likelihood of getting media access if more than one person got this information.

Within a few minutes, I got this reply:

I am a Christian but not a Republican. I will pray for protection for the woman, but please take me off your list. I vote for a man not join a sect. Thank you. [name]

She will pray for "the woman." Not for "Mrs. Harris." Not for "the Secretary of State." No. The woman.

Think about this. The original letter said that a Christian who is an elected civil magistrate has received hundreds of death threats. There was no reference to politics. There was no reference to her political affiliation. There was a call for prayer on her behalf.

My letter mentioned only that there is a media outlet available for her to tell her story. I gave the name of the proper contact person.

What did this make me? First, a Republican. O, shame of shames! Second, a partisan! Third, a sect member! (Presbyterianism: a traditional, liturgically middle-of- the-road sect.)

The fact is, I sent my political money this year to Howard Phillips' U.S. Constitution Party. Politically, I am indeed a sectarian. But not ecclesiastically.

The gutlessness of this non-Republican's letter is appalling. But it's not just the gutlessness that bothers me. It is the intense political partisanship, disguised as an attack on partisanship. She made it clear: an elected Republican office-holder who is being threatened with death deserves a prayer, but anything more is just not part of God's Plan for the Ages. It would be . . . partisan!

Too many Americans decide who deserves protection and respect in terms of which political affiliation they profess. Political partisanship has overcome the concept of the rule of law. "Tell me what party a person belongs to, and I'll tell you whether he (or she) deserves the protection afforded by civil law."

It's Gore or be Gored. Whose ox is it? "Yours or mine?" This determines which laws some people are willing to enforce or respect. Especially in Florida.

Has her family called for prayer? I did my best to check this out. I went onto the Web and found Wes King's biography. Then I called his church. The pastor was gone for Thanksgiving. His assistant tried to call Mr. King to verify this story. He was not home. People leave for Thanksgiving, so verifying things is not easy. So, I'm sending out the message as sent. Because of the holiday, I think this is best. Normally, I would wait, but her problem sounds too serious.

Fourth, this election is crooked. So? They are always crooked. They are just not equally crooked. The voters know this. They rarely care. They shrug it off. Usually, the votes are not very close, so voters ignore the fact that the system is rigged.

They are now re-counting ballots by hand. This is bad, say Republicans. Very bad. Just terrible. "We should trust the computers!" Those Republicans who believe this need to go to the library and get a copy of the November 1996 issue of CHRONICLES OF CULTURE, published by the Rockford Institute. Read article titled, "A House Without Doors: Vote Fraud in America," by James J. Condit, Jr. It appears on pages 14-17. In it, Condit argues -- with evidence -- that the Republican Party's mainstream faction stole the 1996 nomination from Pat Buchanan, and did it by rigging the computers that were used in the primaries. The turning point came in the Arizona primary. You will also learn some choice things about the company that takes the TV networks' exit polls every four years. Oh, boy.

CHRONICLES says it will put up a link to a PDF file of that article on its front page next week. I hope they do this. Go to:

Bush failed to win the election two weeks ago because the TV networks announced that Gore had won Florida. This announcement came while the polls were still open in the Florida panhandle's counties. Those counties all went for Bush. But half-committed Republicans, who wanted to vote only for an assured winner, either went home or stayed home. Those voters cost Bush the initial victory. He may or may not be elected.

Rigged? Here is one version of the rigging, told by a statistician. This is a story that the media will never pick up. It has to do with fingerprints. Literally. The re-count hoopla was not initially about Dade County and Broward County voters. It was about certain Palm Beach County ballots. It was about how to get a whole lot of new people to pick up these ballots and put their fingerprints on them. I love a good conspiracy theory. This one is a corker.

A quarter century ago, Adam Osborne wrote a terrific little book, RUNNING WILD. Osborne later invented the first portable computer, the Osborne 1. He made one catastrophic error. He adopted the CP/M operating system. It was hard to use. His company went broke. The next year, Compaq came out with a portable, Microsoft DOS-based portable. Compaq became the first company in history to generate one billion dollars in revenues in its first year. But Osborne is a smart man. His is the name on the Osborne/McGraw-Hill publishing company.

In RUNNING WILD, he offered a warning. Do not computerize three institutions, he said: the New York Stock Exchange, the banking system, and voting. If these become dependent on computers, there will be fraud. It will be very hard to detect.

In 2000, the Presidential election was so close that the existence of computer fraud almost became visible. Not quite, however, if the story in is true. There is a game going on -- a high-stakes game. It has implications beyond this year's winner. What we are seeing is the legitimization of normal voting machine fraud. Here is how the game works. "Look, look -- over here! See these ballots? Count them by hand!" But why? "Because they are the 'true' votes." But what about computer voting in general? "That produces the 'true' votes when an election is not close."

Nobody has raised the crucial questions: "How do we know that the computers were not rigged to begin with? How do we know that the punching of computerized ballots was not done illegally?" No one is raising the issue of pre- count computerized voting fraud. Why not? Because that would call the whole election system into question. It might undermine the legitimacy of the political system. We do not admit what we all know. That might undermine the system. Better to amuse ourselves with illusions we all know are illusions. They are convenient illusions.

If you think I am exaggerating, read that November 1996 issue of CHRONICLES.

Fifth, if Republican incumbent Slade Gorton loses in Washington State, the Senate will be evenly divided: 50 to 50. At that point, Lieberman will become the tie-breaking voter as VP if Gore wins. Then, when Strom Thurmond goes to his reward, it's 51-49 for the Democrats. If Gorton wins, it's 51-49 for the Republicans until Thurmond dies. Then it's 50-50. So, whoever is elected as VP will spend a lot of time in the Senate, listening to boring speeches, unable to leave the room. At that point, former Vice President (1933-1941) John Nance Garner's statement will become obvious to the new VP: "The Vice Presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm spit." Or words to that effect.

Well, that's enough to chew on for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your turkey. Watch a football game. And say a prayer for Mrs. Harris.



We are watching an historic election unfold. I have no doubt that the Democrats have stolen it. They will probably pull off this heist. But now, for the first time in my lifetime, tens of millions of pro-Trump voters are going to be aware of the fact.

Always in the past, the media have ignored what was going on. Always in the past, Republican voters have meekly accepted the results of the national election. They then returned to their non-political lives. This time, some of them are not going to go away meekly, blaming themselves for not having turned out the vote. This time, it's different. This time, the theft is visible to really outraged Republicans who at long last will figure out what happened to them.

If this mobilizes a tiny cadre of Republican conservatives to get involved in local politics, and then stay involved, this is going to change the Republican Party. They must learn the basics of precinct politics within the Party. Then they must begin to offer hard-core candidates who are willing to take a stand against the establishment Republicans who dominate the party.

This could become a historic turning point for the Republican Party. I certainly hope it does.