Saturday, April 2, 2022

If You Need to Ask: “What Happened to America?” – Look in the Mirror!

In order to answer that question, let’s ask a pointed question: Who was in charge of America for most of the years between 1960-2020? Answer: DaBoomers - they became of age in the 60’s and are now in the waning days of their lives – having formulated the policies of our government, religion, politics and culture.

My answer: “If not us, who? The destruction of the ‘American Way’ accelerated under my watch – and yours, if you’re anywhere my age – so let’s fess up – we were part of the problem. How so? We let a bunch of ‘developmentally arrested’ adolescent know nothings take over the entire culture and country – every institution you can name is run by so-called liberals (fascists is a better word). It took them over 100 years, but let’s face it – they are in charge and they are not bashful about telling us that they are.” – from Government, Religion, Politics and Culture – truth hurts, doesn’t it?

“Is it fair? Not entirely. But since when was recorded history ever fair? And no generational description can ever address the behavior of a single individual. Nevertheless, if one is concerned about one’s legacy, then perhaps one should live with an eye to how those who will be judging it are likely to regard it.

After all, there is no spin coming from the grave.” - A Eulogy for Boomers - Vox Popoli

Just one man’s opinion? Hardly – the evidence on the specifics is overwhelming.

Absentminded conservatives allowed an army of perverts to take over the schools - By Olivia Murray - Sound familiar? For whatever reason, whether it be that conservatives as a whole are too uninterested in child sexual abuse, or whether they are too cowardly for fear of the word “bigot,” they are to blame for the rampant debauchery that has been unleashed upon on our children. We have pandered to the sick depravity of pedophiles like Alfred Kinsey, and where has it gotten us?

Grade – TOTAL failure!

But OUR Public School is Great - Vox Popoli -  No, it isn’t. It really, really isn’t. The public schools have further degenerated from providing intellectual lobotomies to outright pushing open satanry:

Grade – fuggedabouddit!

Devil Mouse Goes Full Evil - Vox Popoli - At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way.

And remember, what these wicked women are advocating is what “judeo-christianity” actually is. Do you really think they don’t know what their underlings are doing?

Grade – TOTAL failure on Culture!

Government? (Especially on foreign policy) Boomers and Gen-Xers have got to get over their childhood cartoon programming of Chinese and Russian commies as being the root of all evil on the planet. The great evil is The Empire That Never Ended, which took root in the USA in the early 20th century and rules it today. Those who oppose it are diverse and do so for their own reasons, but the primary enemies of the great enemy are, at the very least, powerful allies.

Grade – Living in the 1980’s or earlier!

An Australian senator points out that the global satanists have infiltrated all of the governments of “the free world” - And more than anything, the World’s Evil Factory is an anti-Christian, anti-nationalist organization that seeks to heal the world by ruling it in the name of Lucifer. The Orthodox Christians of Russia and the nationalist, corruption-hating pagans of the Communist China are the two chief bulwarks against global satanry, as both nations have freed themselves of the chains that bind what was once known as Christendom.

It’s not about “authoritarianism” or “Marxism”. It’s about global satanism against a) Christianity and b) nationalism.

Those who shriek about “Chi-coms” are as deceived as those who still think “the communist Russkies” are the enemy. Both the 50’s and the 80’s have been inverted due to changes that took place in the 60’s; the USA is not the good guys and neither the Russians nor the Chinese are the bad guys anymore.

How did this happen? There we see the best parallel to the Great War. The men moving pieces on the board were men of a prior age. They were trying to fight the old wars. Similarly, the political leaders were operating in a 19th century mindset. The trouble was they were armed with 20th century weaponry. Today, the West is led by 20th century men desperate to maintain 20th century arrangements. Their opponent is not Russian, China or the new world order, but the passage of time.

If you attach to how things were, you will fail.

(In short, most of those of our generations now dead or still alive turned off our brains – if they were ever turned on at all – over 40 years ago and are leaving a legacy for our kids and grandkids that will be judged according to the reality of life and not our delusions that most of us still believe – sadly! – CL)