
Friday, April 1, 2022

But OUR Public School is Great - Vox Popoli

 No, it isn’t. It really, really isn’t. The public schools have further degenerated from providing intellectual lobotomies to outright pushing open satanry:

An Austin, Texas school teacher said that of the 32 fourth-grade students in her class, 20 have “come out” to her as “LGBTQIA+,” according to a leaked internal school message.

The claim reportedly came from a teacher at the Austin Independent School District (ISD)’s Blackshear Elementary School, according to the Daily Caller, which originally obtained the internal messages from the “Libs of Tik Tok” Twitter account.

The teacher’s revelation came as part of a complaint that Blackshear Elementary School principal Rick Garner referred to the morning’s Pride Parade — an ISD-wide celebration of LGBTQ sexuality and gender — as a “wellness walk.”

“I feel that it is inappropriate to call our parade this morning a ‘Wellness Walk’ at all. While I understand that Wellness Walk is something that was previously in motion to promote health and fitness and is something we want to continue, it really takes away from the experience of celebrating Pride to couple the two,” wrote the teacher, who has not been publicly identified.

“The first Pride was a riot,” wrote the teacher, apparently referencing the Stonewall Riots that inspired the first gay pride parades. “It is not enough to just ‘welcome,’ ‘love,’ and ‘celebrate’ Queer folx. Your allyship should always lead you to activism — speaking up and fighting for what is right, even when it feels uncomfortable,” the teacher continued.

She went on to write, “Out of the 32 students that I teach, 20 of them are LGBTQIA+ and have come out to me. I feel that we need to do better — for them. To affirm our students, I think it would be only appropriate and right to publicly announce what we had this morning was a PRIDE Parade. Our students are aware and are paying attention.”

If your children are in a public school, you deserve no more sympathy for what happens to them than you do if you go and get them vaxxed. Frankly, the latter is probably preferable, as it will only destroy their bodies instead of their minds and souls.

There is no such thing as “a bad teacher” or “a bad school”. All of the public school teachers and all of the public schools are evil, because they are part of a centralized system that exists for no other purpose than to destroy children. Don’t feed your children into the filth factory.