Thursday, July 25, 2024

If You Are Draft Age - You Better Read This!

(This is the meat grinder for which YOUR GOVERNMENT wants to re-institute the military DRAFT - so it can provide more meat for body bags coming back home - because DaSynagogue of Satan rules OUR nation with the full cooperation and support of churchianity waving American and other flags.....because we must fight Russia and China.......and Iran.....and whoever gets in his way. Got it yet? NEVER QUESTION DaAuthority of DaSynagogue of Satan! Yours is but to do or die! Or both! - CL)

Read full text:
The sooner this foolish, unwinnable war ends, the better. Vladimir Putin clearly doesn’t want to take all of Ukraine, but he will do that and more if NATO – or to be more precise, Clown World – doesn’t permit its Ukrainian puppet state to stop the bleeding and surrender.