Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Model Is Broken - by Karl Denninger on IT Architecture

(Are we too busy to avoid being stupid? - CL)

The failure is not that a piece of software had a bug in it, and one that was present at least back to February, as I noted was likely to be the case and which Crowdstrike has now disclosed.  It is that the IT architecture across myriad firms, in fact most firms and entities, is fundamentally corrupt at a grossly negligent level which is why the situation -- and this line of "business" -- exists in the first place.  There is no legitimate reason of any sort, as one example, for a hospital MRI machine to have any access under any circumstance to any resource beyond the building in which it is located.  It obviously did and does because we have seen those devices BSOD'd and to get the defective data file on said machine it had to load it from outside the enterprise.