Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Christianity Without Effort - by bionic mosquito

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The century presented many cases of persecution of Christians for being Christian.  Millions died in obscurity.  In the twenty-first century, this continues, in the Middle East (greatly driven by actions and destabilizations of the supposedly Christian United States): Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, etc.  The list is extensive, as are the deaths and displacements. 

It is sufficient to say that because of the destabilizations, Christian minorities that were once reasonably protected by the local government no longer enjoyed such protections.  Of course, in many of these places, the Muslim population suffered equally.  One can say that any group that holds to traditional values is a target.

Yes, one can say this everywhere.  There are the purposeful and well-thought-out policies for weakening Christian Churches and Christian values in North America and Western Europe.  One can only describe this as deliberate – persecution in a different form, perhaps, but persecution nonetheless.  Although, in this case, much of the church has joined in the parade on the side of the persecutors.

The end result of religion being deemed a strictly private matter is that an absolute system of ethical values by which we are all bound does not exist.  The notion of sin, therefore, is outdated, because everything is permissible.