Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Is China Best....for White People? Read Andrew Anglin

 Read full text: https://www.unz.com/aanglin/pax-sino-hamas-and-fatah-among-14-palestinian-factions-to-sign-unity-agreement-in-china/ 

There are other problems that I’m willing to discuss. Obviously, I am a shill for the Chinese, but I’m not paid and I don’t need to claim that this is going to be a perfect future. But it is the inevitable future, and it is much better than what we have now. All of these weird social issues in the West are going to evaporate, because it is all unnatural and forced on us by this corrupt globalist system. The problems that will come up are problems that we can deal with.

It’s in a way sad that white people won’t rule the world anymore. But we haven’t been ruling the world in a long time anyway. We surrendered that power to the Jews, and it’s been a complete disaster, and now it’s collapsing and the Chinese are taking over. It’s not going to be a perfect world, but it’s going to be a much better world, where we can determine our own futures in our own nations instead of having something forced on us by an elitist global criminal cartel.

To be Perfectly Clear

I want what’s best for white people, for Christendom. If I didn’t believe that Pax Sino was the best thing for my people, I would not be promoting it.

I am completely open to debate and discussion on this topic, which is not the case for people promoting Pax Americana. Those people are obsessed with censorship and forcing their agenda on others.

In the short term, things are not looking good for white people. But in the long term and even really the medium term, things are looking up. If I didn’t believe that, I would not say it.