Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Arbitrary Hypocrisy of American “Justice” - by Paul Craig Roberts

(So who rules America? It sure ain't WeDaPeople! - CL)

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An uninformed person might say that Menendez’s payments came from a foreign government, whereas campaign contributions are coming from American interests.  But what about the vast sums that Israel pours into purchasing the US government?  What is the difference between Egypt and Israel?  The difference is that AIPEC is not required to register as foreign agent and is treated as an American lobby group.  All efforts to have AIPEC register as a foreign agent have been blocked.  Many Zionist neoconservatives have gotten away with accepting money from Israel without having to register as representing a foreign agent.  Consider also that every year the Congress appropriates billions of dollars to Israel which Israel uses to purchase the US government with campaign contributions.  Our own money is used to enslave us to Israel and Jewish interests.  You can see how complete Israel’s ownership of the US government is by Congress’ invitation to Genocide Netanyahu to address the US Congress and award him 53 standing ovations while he conducts genocide against Palestine.