Sunday, February 2, 2025

VW Cancels a Device - Eric Peters

(At what point will the average working dude in America wake up to the fact that his government - which extracts his tax money by withholding it automatically - is a parasitic monkey on his back that needs to be extracted before he can even begin to expect relief from that burden? - CL)

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Put another way, this whole business of the federal bureaucracy regulating anything must be challenged. The bureaucracy – unelected, unaccountable and largely unremovable – is at the root of much that afflicts this country. Congress has its own set of problems, of course. But at least Congress is subject to elections. Congressmen and senators can be voted out of office if they vote for obnoxious laws and the laws themselves can be repealed. Regulations are much harder to get rid of without getting ride of the apparat that issued them.

It appears Duffy – and more importantly, Donald Trump – may have exactly that in mind.