Venezuelan children are STARVING to death as food must now be
delivered under armed guard
All of the various economic models employed by dictators, thugs, and autocratic rulers worldwide have produced nothing but misery, hardship, and death, yet far too many American Millennials are supportive and even fascinated by them.
All of the various economic models employed by dictators, thugs, and autocratic rulers worldwide have produced nothing but misery, hardship, and death, yet far too many American Millennials are supportive and even fascinated by them.
They are, in no particular
order, communism, Marxism, and socialism.
Communism, as practiced by
the Soviet Union, was ultimately responsible for its demise.
Marxism, as practiced by
Cuba, transformed over decades what was once a thriving Caribbean hotspot into
an impoverished, decrepit nightmare.
socialism, as its being practiced in Venezuela, is turning that once-prosperous South American jewel into
a failed state. As reported by The New York Times,
things have gotten so bad there
that food transports cannot move without a military escort.
worse, the country’s most vulnerable citizens —
it’s children — are starving to death at
a much higher rate than the adult population, which is also high:
delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported
under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber
bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher
shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.
wasn’t always like this. Before sycophantic, power-hungry “revolutionaries”
Hugo Chavez and current leader Nicolas Maduro (a tyrant who holds onto
power by blocking opposition candidates
from running against him), Venezuela — an OPEC member with the
world’s largest oil reserves — was the envy of South America. In fact, not long
ago Venezuela, thanks to its oil riches, was the fourth-richest economy in the world. (Related: Banned video reveals the horrors of
Venezuela’s starving population.)
country used its oil wealth like
Democrats in the U.S. use the Treasury: To pay for heaps of social programs and
subsidize everything from transportation to wages.
problem with that socialist approach is that eventually when market conditions
change and national income falls, the programs don’t go away and
must still be paid for. Worse, over decades, the population comes to depend on them as alternatives to the
socialist structure eventually fade away.
crunch came in the late 1980s and into the early 1990s with an oil glut; the
country doubled down on their own misery when they began electing out-and-out
socialists rather than free-market capitalists who would have diversified the
economy so that it wasn’t reliant on a single industry.
today, as the world is experiencing another oil glut,
Venezuela still relies on oil for 95 percent of its exports. With exports down,
national income is down and as such, there is less and less money to pay for so
many government programs, including wage subsidies.
So Venezuelans are starving
because the country cannot import or grow enough food for its people. And now,
the country rests on the precipice of catastrophe. Or self-destruction.
there is no food, there will be more riots,” said Raibelis
Henriquez, 19, who waited all day for bread in Cumaná.
The Times noted
the last two weeks alone, more than 50 food riots, protests and mass looting
have erupted around the country. Scores of businesses have been stripped bare
or destroyed. At least five people have been killed.This is precisely the
Venezuela its leaders vowed to prevent.
nine-in-10 Venezuelans (87 percent) say they don’t have enough money to buy
enough food to eat, according to a recent assessment of living conditions
by Simon Bolivar University.
say they are spending nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of their monthly
incomes on food alone — that is, when they can find it.
And many say that on any given day, they will not have yet had a single thing
to eat.
is socialism. It’s not pretty, it’s not fair, and the “equality” it brings
is making everyone but the governing elite equally miserable.
who truly believe socialism is better than
U.S.-style capitalism have never lived in
a place like Venezuela. (Find more news on the collapse of the food supply
Heyes is a senior writer for and,
as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Copyright © 2017 J.D. Heyes
Copyright © 2017 J.D. Heyes