
Monday, July 22, 2024

The Jewish Golden Age Continues Part I: American Law, by Eric Striker - The Unz Review

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Last spring Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer authored a well-circulated obituary to American Jewish power. The left and the right, through excesses of racial identity politics and the promulgation of populism and illiberal ideologies, are converging to squeeze Jews out of public life in the land of milk and honey: the USA.

The article relies heavily on individually relayed, anecdotal claims of anti-Semitism, largely related to popular revulsion over Israel’s behavior in the Gaza war, but is scant in the way of hard data. Many Jewish commentators have pointed to this alleged rise in anti-Semitism as the true cause of American imperial decline, the arrogant implication being that when Jewish authority figures are criticized it is because the institutions themselves are on their last legs.

The problem for Foer and others is that data reveals that Jews today enjoy virtually unopposed power within key American institutions, largely due to maintaining the overrepresentation they established after the Second World War while simultaneously replacing the white Gentile majority with a wide variety of ethnic minorities. As Jewish sources themselves admit, policies that enabled this were largely spearheaded by Jews, potentially with today’s outcome in mind. In this series, we will investigate US power nodes, how they really work, and the known-unknown forces driving American policy and life — at times against the will of the majority of the population.