
Sunday, February 2, 2025

NATO: The Case To Get Out Now - By David Stockman

(In this lengthy history is a gem of information which leads me to ask - if our military security only requires 7 percent of our present 1.4 TRILLION $$$$$ spent - what exactly does the 93 percent of budget pay for? Don't ask! It's a national security it, dummy? - CL)

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Needless to say, there is no way, shape or form that America’s nuclear deterrent can be neutralized by a blackmailer. And that gets us to the heart of the case for drastically downsizing America’s military muscle. To wit, according to the most recent CBO estimates the nuclear triad will cost only about $75 billion per year to maintain over the next decade, including allowances for periodic weapons upgrades.

That’s right. The core component of America’s military security requires only 7% of today’s massive military budget as detailed on a system-by-system basis by CBO.