(Where is the Spirit of God today? In WW1....it was in the trenches of common soldiers.......until snuffed out by 'higher command'......including church leaders who condemned their actions as treason. Yes, the god of this world demands loyalty......or you will be condemned by his servants.....both in and out of the church! - CL)
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https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/christmas-truce-world-war-i-0 Weintraub quotes one soldier’s observation of the event: “Never … was I so keenly aware of the insanity of war.” (p. 33)
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Officials were not at all pleased by the peaceful actions of their armed forces. Military leaders feared that the camaraderie and conversation would allow the men to get to know each other and undermine their willingness to kill each other. Orders were given on both sides to cease all “fraternization with the enemy.” Officers were ordered to fire on enemy soldiers who approached across no man’s land. Soldiers who violated the order face court martials.
Will American Gen Z be the next generation of cannon fodder? ZeroHedge
Gen Zers aspiring to become social media influencers or OnlyFans models should realize they could be the ones shipped off if World War III erupts. This generation's lack of anti-war advocacy might stem from ignorance, as their faces remain glued to their devices.