Thursday, August 5, 2021

Why so much WILLFUL ignorance? It pays well! (Connecting dots - CL)

First things first - Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. That’s it!

Therefore - I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know. – Cicero.




As has often been noted here, Man is a rationalizing animal. And what I have increasingly noted of late is that most people devote most of their intelligence to rationalizing what they already think to be true than they do to figuring out what they think is not true. This desire to rationalize rather than learn is, quite possibly, the intelligent individual's biggest intellectual weakness. – Vox Day


The vast majority of conservatives -- I would guess 80% -- are just like this woman. They are intellectually lazy. They have no respect for ideas. They have no intention of sacrificing either time or money to become better informed. They just want to feel superior. They spend their spare time ranting to other ill-informed people on the multibillionaire wokesters' social media platforms. In the great conflicts of life, they are bystanders. They do not have the strength of character to be winners. They think ranting is a substitute for thinking. They expect victory to be handed to them on a silver platter. Gary North


They dote on their progeny, then bury them alive.

Who? Guess


Few political conservatives understand this. Even libertarians don't understand most of it, although it is certainly consistent with libertarian social theory. I assure you that the vast majority of government bureaucrats do not understand this. They actually think they are going to receive their pensions after they retire. These people live in a fantasy world. Why should we expect them to understand any of this? They are paid above-market wages not to understand it. - A Century of Change - by Gary North


 The core constituencies of politicians are government employees and contractors, as these interest groups are funded by the government, which is nominally managed by elected officials and their appointees. Nobody's more generous (or demanding) than those feeding directly at the government trough. (By "contractors" I mean the vast array of Corporate America cartels that feed off government spending: defense, Big Pharma, Higher Education, etc.) -




U.S. Unfunded Pension Liabilities Exceed $6 Trillion: Minnesota’s Share is at least $118.7 Billion - American Experiment - by Kim Crockett


The Ruinously Expensive American Military - By Philip Giraldi




Will America survive past 2025 as it is structured now?


How Higher Education Became An Obscenely Profitable Racket | Zero Hedge - by Charles Hugh Smith


And now we are here again, in the midst of the greatest bubble in the history of mankind. A bubble of willful ignorance.


But what about Covid? Don’t get me started!


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