One of the reasons I selected Martyanov’s book on military supremacy for the Library series is that he’s considerably more perceptive than the average geopolitical observer. I’ve been reading his book on the ongoing breakup of the United States, and it was intriguing to see that he’s one of the few observers who understands that the USA is not, and has never been, a genuine nation.
Some quotes from his book Disintegration:
- America’s collapse has been in the progress for some time now, and has been predicted by a number of observers—but in actuality the utter, historically unprecedented degeneration of America’s so-called elites, which have exhibited a level of malfeasance, incompetence, cowardice and betrayal of their own people on such a scale that it beggars belief.
- For the United States to survive as a unified country, a completely new narrative, grounded in reality, is required and the current American policy elites, be they purportedly left radicals and those forces which support them or the nominally conservative, no less grossly indoctrinated forces on the right, are utterly incapable of formulating the real American national interests, or of creating a new narrative, because the United States is in the process of the fragmentation of what used to be an American proto-nation, but ultimately never fully turned into the real thing. Political creeds, or abstract, often utterly wrong ideas are simply not enough to inspire and, most importantly, to sustain the growth of a nation. The modern American elites and their European followers have proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
- Today neither France nor the United States are nations in a full meaning of this word, with France descending into the chaos of globalist multicultural orthodoxy, while the United States is completely subverted by ethno-religious and corporate interests.
- Today, the United States is not a nation, certainly not in the traditional sense of having a dominant ethnic nationality, while the foundational American meme and myth of a “Melting Pot” has turned out to be exactly that—a myth. America’s many ethnicities have not been assimilated to form a single nation, but rather are more aptly regarded as a salad bowl comprised of descendants of the majority “white” European settlers and the “colored” (Native American, African American, and Latin and Asian immigrant) minorities, all maintaining to varying degrees their original cultural identities. But even the salad bowl analogy is too weak to reflect the multicultural disaster the United States has become.
Martyanov clearly sees what generations of Americans, blinded by relentless civnattery and immigrant propaganda, and generations of immigrants, averting their eyes from the historical facts that make them feel uncomfortable or left out, cannot. It is this ability to be ruthlessly objective about the world as it is, rather than the world we are told it is, or the world we wish it would be, that makes his insights and observations valuable.