Monday, June 19, 2023

Racism and Diversity - DaMyth vs REALITY

Here's the REALITY - Diversity + Proximity = WAR....and it's here!

 What say we look at DaRest of DaStory, eh? But before we do, you have to do what I did in the last 15-20 years, because you will be confronted by information and facts that will contradict just about everything you have learned been indoctrinated with by every institution you can name – that includes government, education, religion, media, entertainment, DaEveningNews, etc etc etc – and if you are not willing to challenge your own precious beliefs delusions, you might as well stop now and return to your casual reader mode – this is NOT for you! It will take time and effort on your part – all I am doing is offering evidence – the critical thinking is up to you.

I learned in the last 20 plus years that almost all of my previous learning had been pure bullshit and propaganda – a hard thing to swallow…but true….and still learning.
Here’s logic – the systematic study and practice of discerning and speaking the truth! It is a process – never an end state. - The Height of IGNORANCE? When It Becomes WILLFUL!

The fundamental purpose of my website and library is to fight ignorance – yours – and mine!

OK – where exactly are we now?

I was born in Chicago in 1960, and I’ve lived in the same region all my life. But I find myself wondering every day now, “Where the hell am I? Is this really America?” 

To be a respectable American, you must at least pretend to believe preposterous things: Diversity is our strength, men can become women and vice versa, all races are precisely equal, the United States is a wonderful force for good all around the world. But the most preposterous thing you have to believe may be about the biology of race. 

Once one becomes fully red-pilled, one cannot unsee what has already been seen. The great truths concerning racial differences, Black dysfunction and criminality, third-world immigration, the great Covid ‘plandemic,’ Europe’s migrant invasion, the truth behind 9-11, Jewish cultural subversion, Pearl Harbor, World Wars I and II including the atrocities committed against the German people after the war, the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the World Economic Forum and its earth-shattering plans, including the truth about the Austrian corporal, and a plethora of other subjects are so startling and revolutionary that one cannot return to their old ways of viewing the world as they once did.

An example: A video has been posted on Twitter of a black South African woman speaking about the “dismal failure” of black rule — how in the 28 years since the fall of Apartheid, the country has become a hopeless mess — and she wants Blacks to “swallow their pride” to give the country back to White people:

She says,

“Let the power go back to the White people. We, as black people, we just have to accept that we failed dismally. For 28 years, we were given chance to prove ourselves, and we failed dismally…….

Simply put, South Africa experienced a communist revolution that brought about the fall of Apartheid and White rule — orchestrated behind the scenes by Jews — like Denis Goldberg — and their White useful idiots like George Galloway and Alan Paton — who used black front men, like Nelson Mandela to be the false “black face” of the revolution.

The result of every communist revolution is misery and death — while promising the false hope of a utopian future that never comes. 

Another example: About Slavery 

Diversity + Proximity = War

Even more to my surprise, the article went further than admitting that Blacks could be villains. It also admitted that diversity is weakness rather than strength. It didn’t explicitly quote Chateau Heartiste and say that “Diversity + Proximity = War.” But it might as well have done. Here is some of the article, so you can see the hate-facts and hate-history for yourself:

‘If you had money, you had slaves’: how Ethiopia is in denial about injustices of the past 

How about our churches?

Vox Popoli: Mailvox: inventing sin (of racism) This is really not that difficult for any educated believer. By EVERY single definition of racism utilized by the anti-racists, both Jesus Christ and God are revealed to be sinners by their overtly racist words and actions. Therefore, the perverted theology of anti-racism is obviously and necessarily false, and quite possibly blasphemous as well. And in that vein, notice how many female names are among the letter's signatories.

Every so-called pastor who preaches against racism should be expelled from the pulpit. And if he refuses to repent, from the Church. They are among the wolves in sheep's clothing of whom we were warned.

Racism is Pro-Human Diversity - Vox Popoli

It’s not the racists who are evil. It’s not the racists who serve the cause of the Adversary. It is those who are anti-racist, who believe in equality, and who wish to unite all the diverse peoples of the world under a single satanic government. 

Equality is an anti-Christian force. It was the rhetoric of the secularists for well over a century because it was useful to batter against the anti-egalitarian strictly hierarchical Christian faith. And it worked. It worked so well many Christians now preach as if equality was their idea. 

The War on Whites is moving to a higher level — fast. Signs are everywhere; they are undeniable. First and foremost, understand and accept that this is happening. For many, there will be no escape. If you are White and don’t yet grasp what is happening, quickly find out from someone who does. Lives will depend on it. 

But what we have witnessed is the invasion and destruction of the American nation. You may not understand this yet, you almost certainly will not accept it, but you have nevertheless witnessed it, and sooner or later, you will eventually grasp what you were seeing. 

The point of preaching diversity + proximity = war in a diverse society is to warn people and discourage them from making what is already a serious challenge even worse. Conflict is coming to every diverse society, but with a proper understanding of why that conflict is inevitable, we can hope to mitigate it somewhat, even if we can't reasonably expect to entirely avoid violence and bloodshed. 

As I have already illustrated from history - we or our children and grandchildren will be in a civil war. Also, when you combine the cost of welfare, education and health care for immigrants, immigrant criminal gangs - all paid for by US taxpayers - might it be logical, reasonable and common sense to stop this runaway train of immigration?

Here is the hard to accept truth - if we don't STOP ALL immigration NOW - we will pay in blood and treasure a much higher price than the inconvenience suffered by some people now! 

There is nothing strange about it what lies ahead for the planet. Diversity+Proximity=War. The Riders are already saddling up their Red and White horses; it will not be long before they begin to ride again. As Jerry Pournelle predicted so prophetically, there will be war. 

It is not Trump, his candidacy, his presidency, or the Alt-Right that will ignite a race war. What will ignite ethnic conflict in the USA is the same thing that has always ignited it everywhere around the world since the dawn of Man; the presence of different ethnicities in the same geographical location. This outcome has been the most likely one since 1965, and no amount of solipsism, handwringing, appeals to emotion, and searching for a Nazi bad guy is going to avert it. 

There is only one solution to what you describe as the vibrancy problem, and it is the Biblical one as well as the one that has been forced upon many of my people: to each nation and tribe their own land, their own laws, and their own culture. Anything else means war, sooner or later, as each group seeks to impose their own cultural preferences on the other. Remove Proximity from the war equation and there will be peace between the various races, nations, and tribes.

But since we live in a fallen world there will always be those who seek to impose themselves and their ways on others, which means there will always be war. And because we live in a time when Proximity is virtually ubiquitous, we live in a time of war 

Pick your own damn cotton.

Build your own platforms.

Utilize your own services.

Marry your own kind. 


To repeat:

Inventing sin.....

Remember, Christians are given a spirit of discernment and we are to judge things by their fruits. And the fruits of the false concept of racism as sin are deeply poisonous indeed. They have proven to be incredibly destructive of individuals, families, societies, and nations alike. When I was a child, I used to wonder how it could be that so many supposed Christians could ever be so deceived by the Antichrist as to literally worship evil.

Now, as I see Christian ministers angrily denouncing racism and sexism from the pulpit even as they embrace Babelist globalism and sexual abomination, it all makes perfect sense. Aslan is not a tame lion, and God's definition of sin is not determined by temporal human sensitivities. Neither racism nor hurting someone's feelings by your beliefs are sins, and anyone who tells you they are is not merely lying, he is a servant of the spirit of Antichrist.

This is really not that difficult for any educated believer. By EVERY single definition of racism utilized by the anti-racists, both Jesus Christ and God are revealed to be sinners by their overtly racist words and actions. Therefore, the perverted theology of anti-racism is obviously and necessarily false, and quite possibly blasphemous as well. And in that vein, notice how many female names are among the letter's signatories.

Every so-called pastor who preaches against racism should be expelled from the pulpit. And if he refuses to repent, from the Church. They are among the wolves in sheep's clothing of whom we were warned. 

An outline for further study! – a list of headnotes to articles on Racism from DaLimbraw Library.......

......and I found this: The truth always forces its way through the lies and deceit that cloak it over time. All of the lies that Americans have been told by their immigrant invaders, from “the proposition nation” to the “huddled masses”, the “melting pot”, “we are the world”, and “diversity is our strength” are going to be disproven in a conclusive, and possibly cataclysmic manner by the geopolitical rivalry with a unified and confident nation.

Both Russia and China have learned from their histories of subjugation as well as the massive series of unnecessary mistakes that led to the subjugation of the American nation.

Racism is nothing more, and nothing less, than the defense of one’s own people. It has nothing to do with skin color, hate, or any of the other globalist lies. To be anti-racist, to smugly declare that “you don’t see color”, is to literally and materially accede to the conquest and destruction of your self, your family, and your nation.

The Chinese have seen through the lies. The Russians have seen through the lies. Far too few Americans have, and that is why America is a broken, demoralized nation that literally doesn’t even know who or what it is. A nation can no more be an idea, or a piece of paper, or a claimed opinion, than a bird or a herd of cows can be. And both history and the observation of current events makes it perfectly clear that the nation that rejects racism and/or embraces equality and inclusivity will not survive.