
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Advice for Men of GenZ……GenX May Peek!

SIGMAGAME - What is that? I admit I am no expert, but I found it interesting – for example – which one am I? You?

In no particular order:

Gammas Got No Game - by Vox Day - Sigma Game 

On a not-unrelated note, this comment from yesterday’s post might prove useful for some of the younger male readers.

"Once you know who you are, stay in your lane. That’s the path to happiness and love." - Vox Day

Read this, read it again and then live by it.

I wasted a decade of my youth fruitlessly chasing Heathers because I didn’t understand what young women valued. I had a good resume, I was reliable, dependable, hardworking, loyal, relatively smart, etc. These are all traits highly valued within a male hierarchy and certainly likely to be popular with a Heather’s parents, but not so much with Heather. You see boys, I didn’t have the genetics. I’m just an average guy and young average guys - and gals - have to take advantage of opportunities when they come because opportunities aren’t as abundant as you think.

When you know who and what you are, it doesn’t bother you very much when others recognize it too. If you find yourself getting offended when others happen to notice obvious and undeniable truths about you, that’s a warning sign that you might be deceiving yourself about a few things.

Self-Portrait of a Gamma - by Vox Day - Sigma Game 

 The man who seeks a woman who is equal is not looking for a woman, he is merely a narcissist seeking the opportunity to stare at himself in a mirror. 

 Now, how do you think a Gamma would respond to Mr. Unz’s criticism? Better yet, how do you think the various SSH profiles would respond?

  • ALPHA: Who the fuck is Ron Unz and who gives a flying fuck what some pencil-nick on the Internet says? (beats chest, hits on a pretty assistant)
  • BRAVO: How do you think we should respond to this Ron Unz guy, sir?
  • DELTA: Here is the complete dossier I’ve compiled on Ron Unz. What do you have next for me?
  • GAMMA: (writes angry Wall of Text)
  • OMEGA: Senpai noticed me! (writes heartfelt thank-you note)
  • SIGMA: I am dangerous, Ice-Man! (searches hit piece for amusing blurb to put on cover of next book.)
(And in case you might be wondering what triggered these comments by Vox Day - )

And you can add today’s post to this list:

The Mediocre Death Spiral - Vox Popoli - (impacted by feminism)

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Men are no more welcome in any field that becomes female-dominated than they are in the women’s bathroom. Any man who insists on entering such a field is regarded as a metaphorical transgender whose decision to compete with the female majority there is considered intrinsically unfair. Any man choosing to do so will be considered an interloper and opportunist by the women and as less of a man by the men.

As Carter lays out in considerable detail, this process is natural, inevitable, and absolutely unstoppable. We’ve witnessed it taking place in our lifetimes in several fields, and while academia is not something that most of us pay any attention to, we’ve seen it in books, we’ve seen it in comics, and we’ve seen it in video games. Once the women get involved in a field and start demanding mediocrity while simultaneously decrying excellence, the men start walking away. Competition is replaced by consensus, quality collapses, prestige vanishes, and eventually the entire field becomes a wasteland of posers and imposters pretending to be impressed with each other, producing nothing and selling to no one. Profitable productivity is replaced with political parasitism off financial hosts, and when the ability to parasitize is eventually lost, the entire field collapses.

This is probably a good time to start developing alternative credentials based on objective standards. They will be increasingly in demand as the value of academic credentials continue to collapse. Apprentice systems and guilds are also likely to become more important, as the need to demonstrate an actual ability to do the work required replaces paper certificates of implied potential capability.

World News -- Why America Is at War Against China & Russia

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On 31 October 2018, three political scientists documented that the wealthiest 1% of the wealthiest 1% of Americans — the wealthiest ten-thousandth of Americans — donate 57.16% of all the money that funds U.S. political campaigns. The “Top 400 Donors” (all of whom are multi-billionaires, not merely billionaires) donate 29.86%, or virtually 30%, of all political money, in the U.S. But, actually: only billionaires (and an occasional mere centi-millionaire) who are among the ten largest donors to U.S. politics in a Presidential-election year, have any real impact in determining whom America’s next President will be. Only those ten ultra-rich Americans do. And, from one Presidential ‘election’ to the next, many of those ten people will be the same both times. All of the other 332 million Americans are their subjects, not any country’s “citizens” (except, perhaps, on passports, etc.). But America isn’t a kingdom; it’s an aristocracy. (Of course, some kingdoms are representing their aristocracy and/or their theocracy, but, in any case, America is an aristocracy.)

Two prior studies, one in 2016, and the first one in 2014, had already demonstrated that, as I headlined about both of them in 2018, “America Is One-Dollar-One-Vote, Not Really One-Person-One Vote.” The breakthrough first study, in 2014, was brilliantly summarized and explained in a 6-minute video here. So: anyone who says that America’s Government is better than other Governments because it is a democracy is either a fool or else a liar. This myth has, by now, become buried so deep that only a second American revolution might be able to resurrect it to some sort of reality again.

Banning Christian History - Vox Popoli - (Even in churches? Subtle is as subtle does!)

 It’s rather astonishing that so many Christians can’t recognize this historical process at work despite observing it happen again and again in their schools, in their companies, and even in their churches.

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It was obviously a mistake for the universities, which were historically Christian institutions, to permit secular membership in the first place. First the enemies of Christ infiltrate, then they subvert, and eventually, they ban. It’s rather astonishing that so many Christians can’t recognize this historical process at work despite observing it happen again and again in their schools, in their companies, and even in their churches.

This is why the Catholic Church had so many inquisitions in the first place, to root out the false believers who they knew were intent on subverting the various institutions. As I pointed out 18 years ago, tolerance is “the Sin of Jeroboam”.

A Different God - Vox Popoli

 (Which God do you worship? - CL)

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It’s not just about the observable behaviors either, as in the case of a sinful priest or pastor. What many people don’t understand about the rabbinic religion is that the Torah is not studied in order to better obey it, but rather, to better determine how to “legally” work around it. It’s very much like the Constitution, whereas the Talmud is akin to the growing collection of case law and interpretation that takes precedence over the black letter law itself. In the same way lawyers are able to justify violating Constitutional rights despite the clear language of the Constitution, rabbis are highly skilled in their ability to justify various activities despite the clear language of the Law of the Old Testament.

On the "virtue" of tolerance - Vox Popoli

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But what do Jeroboam’s sins have to do with us today? More than one would think, because the root cause of his sins is a temptation faced by most Christians today. Tolerance is a byword for virtue these days, but it was Jeroboam’s tolerance for that which was wrong which led to his disobedience, and ultimately culminated in the kingdom’s full-blown rejection of the Lord God of Israel. The Israelites did not immediately turn to Baal and Asherah, indeed, it took them many years to reach that state of apostasy. But the seeds of evil had already been sown by Jeroboam, in his willingness to tolerate forms of worship that God had expressly forbidden.

It is wrong and misleading to suggest, as many do, that Jesus Christ preached tolerance. He did not. “He who is not for me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.” One finds no call to tolerance in this teaching. Jesus preached forgiveness, for all men, but first he called for the repentance of sin. Tolerance is not the same thing as love; the Christian must love the sinner, but neither tolerate nor condone the evil that the sinner commits.

Even in the oft-referenced case of the woman about to be stoned, Jesus told her, “Go forth and sin no more.” It is not for the Christian to judge, as Jesus himself refused to judge while on Earth, but we have been given our commands, just as Jeroboam was given his – to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

It is not easy to do this in a world where even those who claim to be Christian leaders dare to criticize those who would attempt to follow Jesus Christ’s commands, call them intolerant and accuse them of somehow perpetrating hate. But Jesus told his disciples that they would be blessed when the men of the world hated them, and called them evil. If the world labels us intolerant because we preach that there is no way to the Father but through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we should rejoice and continue to speak the truth, not cower in fear and silence. And yet most of us fail to do as we have been told; we show the same lack of faith and obedience to the words of Jesus Christ that Jeroboam had for the commands of the Lord God of Israel.

The sins of Jeroboam make it clear that it is no virtue to be tolerant in a world of evil, and that it is no vice to be called intolerant by those who reject the Son of God. Jeroboam feared men, not God, and so brought down upon his house a devastating curse of death and destruction. Instead of following his example, let us emulate instead that of the Apostle Paul, who fearlessly preached the good news of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge

 (Who's got time for critical thinking when we're overwhelmed by education? - CL)

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Story at a Glance:

•Many important types of intelligence besides “intellectual intelligence exist.” Without them, we cannot connect to our deeper wisdom and are easily lead astray. Likewise, if our intelligence remains unbalanced, our knowledge will almost always be patchy and incomplete.

•A century ago, American education was hijacked by oligarchs like Rockefeller who replaced cultivating critical thinking and deep knowledge with training widespread compliance.

•Education trains us to have a very linear form of intelligence which often misses critical details because it lacks the ability to see the broader picture. This for instance characterizes many problems in medicine.

•Those trained to have excessive left brain thinking are often challenging to have a dialog with because they are both aggressive in asserting their ideology and simultaneously incapable of seeing anything which does not prove they are right.

•This article will discuss the importance of balanced intelligence and strategies for cultivating it.

Is the Myth of Plastic Recycling Finally Being Exposed? - The New American

(Another scam we swallowed hook, line and sinker! Yes, ignorance leads to stupidity.....and you know the rest of it! - CL)

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Sadly, all this could be avoided if we’d simply drop the recycling obsession and put the plastic waste in landfills. And again, we have plenty of dump space.

Believe or not, too, the government is finally acknowledging the recycling myth — in a way. “Last month, California filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against ExxonMobil,” Wright tells us, “alleging it falsely promoted the recyclability of plastic.”

But here’s the real story: First the government and establishment media create and promote the recycling myth. Next, under pressure, business goes along with it. Then, when the charade is exposed, government doesn’t just blame business. It also seizes the opportunity to fleece it of more money — costs that will be handed down to consumers.

The Mediocre Death Spiral - Vox Popoli - (impacted by feminism)

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Men are no more welcome in any field that becomes female-dominated than they are in the women’s bathroom. Any man who insists on entering such a field is regarded as a metaphorical transgender whose decision to compete with the female majority there is considered intrinsically unfair. Any man choosing to do so will be considered an interloper and opportunist by the women and as less of a man by the men.

As Carter lays out in considerable detail, this process is natural, inevitable, and absolutely unstoppable. We’ve witnessed it taking place in our lifetimes in several fields, and while academia is not something that most of us pay any attention to, we’ve seen it in books, we’ve seen it in comics, and we’ve seen it in video games. Once the women get involved in a field and start demanding mediocrity while simultaneously decrying excellence, the men start walking away. Competition is replaced by consensus, quality collapses, prestige vanishes, and eventually the entire field becomes a wasteland of posers and imposters pretending to be impressed with each other, producing nothing and selling to no one. Profitable productivity is replaced with political parasitism off financial hosts, and when the ability to parasitize is eventually lost, the entire field collapses.

This is probably a good time to start developing alternative credentials based on objective standards. They will be increasingly in demand as the value of academic credentials continue to collapse. Apprentice systems and guilds are also likely to become more important, as the need to demonstrate an actual ability to do the work required replaces paper certificates of implied potential capability.