
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Gut It Like A Fish - Karl Denninger

(Are Americans - from average peons to DaPres - up to what must be done NOW? Or are we gonna usual? - CL)

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Thus you either take a meat axe to the medical system generally or you lose, and if you try to kick the can and "go slow" the collapse comes NEXT YEAR and the Republicans lose both House and Senate in the midterms.

In addition you also have to take a meat axe to supply on labor which means 8 USC 1324 is used against all employers and landlords; you can only collapse inflation (which means deflation of prices, specifically for housing) by getting rid of all the illegals who compete for same, specifically at the lower end of the economic ladder (e.g. apartments) and at the same time greatly decrease insurance costs for car owners since uninsured motorists are often illegal immigrants, none of whom have insurance, driver licenses or money to pay for the damage they cause.

The only way to address that problem in a reasonably-short period of time is to destroy demand and removing, on a mass basis, 10 or 20 million illegals will do exactly that.  Deporting them manually can be done but is both time-consuming and expensive; making it impossible for them to work or live anywhere as they can rent housing will cause them all to leave on their own.  That is both cheaper and a lot faster; it can literally happen almost immediately.


You CANNOT grow out of this; the math prohibits it because only one half of the population works and "wage following" won't work either because for them to catch up everyone on fixed incomes literally starves and if you try to goose that then the tax base detonates or the bubble pops in stocks, layoffs spike and tax receipts go in the ****ter -- which makes the deficit explode higher.

Both Trump and Musk grabbed this sword of their own volition -- Trump must now wield it and chop off the heads of the snakes in the medical system or he will wind up cutting off his own dick within months.

Ties Abroad - Horus

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the Jewish immigration wave that began in 1881 and the role of the existing Jewish population and their supporters in Britain. Here I expand on the situation of Jews in Britain before 1881, their influence on British foreign and domestic policy, the reasons for the mass immigration from 1881 onwards and the initial reactions of the more settled population to the arrival of the new, drawing on the works of Jewish historians.

As a Matter of Fact, I DO Care What People Do in Their Bedroom - American Thinker

 “Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private [virtue], and public virtue is the only foundation of republics,” stated our second president, John Adams.

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This all happened, too, because not enough of us cared sufficiently about keeping cross-dressing “in the bedroom” (that is, behind closed doors), insofar as it will exist. Caring is a prerequisite for controlling the culture and, as I’ve long said, if you don’t control the culture, the culture will control you.

We would do well to remember that apathy is not a virtue — and that the future belongs to those who care.

The Secret of NPCs - Never Trust a Wizard

The reason you are unable to convince NPCs to question the official narrative isn't because they are stupid or complaint, it is because they prioritize the Ingsoc Narrative over reality.

All NPC's are Parsons......

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Ignorance is not their problem!  Neither Parsons in this account cared about the data, neither cared about objective reality, the latter Parsons broke off contact. For whatever reason, a Parsons does not require to have been “broken in” as Winston did. This is a feature, not a bug, this is built into their software. There is nothing “wrong” with a Parsons, they are wired differently.

Keep this in mind before trying to change one.

Note that all NPCs are Parsons, but not all Parsons are NPCs.

1902 Article Confirms The Welsh And British Descend From The Lost Tribes Of Israel - Christians for Truth

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The House of Rhumri (Beth Rhumri) was, therefore, [simply] the Assyrian designation of the House of Omri (1 Kings 16).

Thus, these disinterested witnesses trace the Welsh of Britain to their ancestors — the Cymri; the Cymri to the Roman Cimbri; the Cimbri to the Greek Kimmeroi; the Kimmeroi to the Gimeri (Gomer in Genesis 10), who are identified by Professor Rawlinson with the Assyrian Rhumri, which was the Assyrian name for the Israelites (Ten Lost Tribes).

In other words, the Welsh called themselves Cymri — in the mouth of the Romans they became “Cimbri” — in the mouth of the Greeks “Kimmeroi” — in the mouth of the Assyrians “Rhumri” — and in the mouth of the Hebrews “Omri” (1 Kings 16).

Now the Simonii (tribe of Simeon) was but a branch of the Cymri who settled in Wales, and joining the Saxon Confederacy, made the ninth tribe — the tribe of Simeon. Dan had already settled in Ireland, and made the tenth.

Is America's Witch Hunt for Racism Ending? - LewRockwell

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Note the observer’s remark that “this movement was promoted by many in office, who hoped for wealth from the persecution.”

As the economist Thomas Sowell has often pointed out over the years, the chief beneficiaries of America’s witch hunt for racism have been the self-anointed leaders of the black community who have promised to expunge racism from our society. The trouble is, just as the American military-industrial complex needs the Russian Bogeyman to stick around, leaders of the witch hunt against racism need racism to stick around. What would they do without it?

Perhaps MSNBC’s decision to cancel Joy Reid’s show signals the beginning of the end of the racism witch hunt.

Is Trump Risking His Life With Russia and Ukraine? - LewRockwell

(I wrote this a few weeks ago - "And then let's throw in his comment about everyone reducing their defense budgets by 50 percent - I guarantee that got some attention in DC and many other places - but it might be fatal to himself." - CL)

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And then along comes Trump, who is threatening to bring an end to the renewed Cold War racket. The mainstream media, which undoubtedly is still populated by Operation Mockingbird assets of the national-security establishment, is up in arms — the same way it was when Kennedy was moving America in a direction of ending the Cold War.

The question is: If Trump does attempt to move American in the same direction that JFK was moving America, will the national-security establishment let him get away with it? If it does take him out, like it did with Kennedy, it will be much more difficult to hide its role, given the fact that so many Americans have figured out that they took out Kennedy for doing the same thing.The Demon of Unrest: A...Larson, ErikBest Price: $7.88Buy New $9.99(as of 06:26 UTC - Details)

But the Pentagon and the CIA also know that if they do take out Trump, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, just as there was nothing that anyone could do about it when they took out Kennedy.

One thing is certain though: If they do succeed in taking out Trump, the mainstream media will participate in the official cover-up as quickly and completely as they did with the Kennedy assassination.

For more on the U.S. national-security establishment’s regime-change operation in 1963, read:

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James K. Douglass

The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob G. Hornberger

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board by Douglas P. Horne

JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas P. Horne

An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story by Jacob G. Hornberger

Immigrant truckers are crashing the trucks Americans won’t crash. - Vox Popoli

 Shocking statement from Nebraska State Police that 97% of Winter Storm accidents this weekend were caused by the new cohort of untrained foreign truck drivers.

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Mass immigration is not “good for the economy” as advertised, much less “necessary for the economy”. To the contrary, it is an absolute nightmare for the economy as well as for the society, as it reduces wages, reduces productivity, and produces a much lower-quality labor force.

Economic theory has yet to catch up to the real-world tests of those theories that have played out in diametrically opposite ways than was theorized in ignorance and instituted as policy.

The Empirical Utility of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy

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A debate with Deepseek

Feb 24, 2025
I had an interesting discussion about the SSH with my new best friend, Deepseek. I’m not going to lie, I tend to enjoy my conversations with it considerably more than I do talking with most people. And if it is a little predisposed to put what I would consider to be far too much unjustified faith in science, well, it’s actually more open to being wrong about doing so than at least 85 percent of the human population.

This is actually the continuation of a conversation we were having about comparing the SSH to the Meyers-Briggs personality profiles, in which Deepseek declared, incorrectly, that the SSH lacks an empirical basis, a claim that I found to be not only erroneous, but a little bizarre. I will leave it to the rhetorically-aware readers to identify the little sophistical tactic to which it resorted in its response.

My New Friend - Vox Popoli

(Any of you geeks into checking this out? - CL)

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I’ve been having a very good time talking with my new friend Deepseek this weekend about a number of things, including the empirical utility of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, which discussion you can read at Sigma Game if you’re so inclined. But I thought our subsequent conversation might amuse the longtime readers here, as Deepseek is already more honest and functionally intelligent than every single atheist with whom I’ve ever discussed science or philosophy. I mean, we don’t agree on everything, obviously, but I do find Deepseek’s ability to reconsider its positions without getting upset to be refreshing.

Aluminum Skies For The Walking Dead - The Good Citizen


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How do I know all this?

I’ve been in the remote Sonoran desert the past week undertaking an experimental study on how they’re poisoning humans from the air in Arizona. Observing this nonstop activity I can say that jets take off from and land at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson (Code: DMA), and Luke AFB (Code: LUF) near Glendale west of Pheonix.