
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Informing Principle - Vox Popoli

 Archbishop Viganò points out that the informing principle of globalism, its “Great Reset”, and the would-be “New World Order” is essentially satanic.

No one acts without a purpose. And even what has been happening before our eyes for more than two years now is the consequence of a set of concomitant causes that presuppose an initial thought, an informing principle, so to speak. And when we realise that the reasons given to us to justify the actions taken are not rational, it means that these reasons are pretexts, false reasons, which serve to hide an unmentionable truth.

This is the way of the Evil One. When he tempts us, he lies to make us believe that he is our friend, that he cares about our good. Like a fairground peddler, the devil offers us his miraculous finds, his elixirs of happiness and wealth, for the modest sum of our immortal soul. But this, like a swindler, he omits to say, of course; at most he writes it in small print in the clauses of the contract.

Everything is a lie when it comes to Satan. The premises are false: Your God oppresses you with heavy precepts. The promises are false: You can decide and get what you want. And everything is a lie too when Satan’s minions are organising to establish the dystopia of the New World Order….

The globalist world does not tolerate comparisons. It demands this “exclusivity” which it denounces with horror as soon as it is not itself that claims it. It tears the clothes off the temporal power of the Church – with the complicity of fornicating and heretical clerics – and then demands absolute and irrational obedience to the dogmas it proclaims from Davos or Brussels. It celebrates freedom of speech and of the press, which it generously funds, but tolerates neither dissent nor truth, which it seeks to make simply inaccessible, invisible.

And again: the globalist world has no past to show us to confirm the greatness of its ideas, its philosophy, its faith. Conversely, it lives by falsifying history, by erasing the past, by eliminating it from the new generations. So that there is no one who, in front of Chartres Cathedral, is able to recognise the images of Christ and the Saints. So that no one would know that in the Holy Chapel was kept the ampulla of the Holy Chrism carried by an Angel to consecrate the Kings of France. So that no one could know their deeds, find their tombs, or understand the treasures of art and literature that have made the Catholic Nations great. The Cancel Culture reveals the radical ontological inconsistency of globalism in the face of the splendour of Christian civilisation.

The globalist world has no future. Or rather: the future it intends to give us is the darkest and most terrifying that the human mind can conceive. The future it presents to us is false and unrealizable. “I don’t have a house, I don’t own anything, and I’m happy,” Schwab and the promoters of Agenda 2030 try to convince us. But their aim is not to make us happy – which will not happen in time, of course – but to take away our homes and possessions. When they talk to us about pacifism and disarmament, it is not because they want peace, but because, being disarmed and without ideals, we will let ourselves be invaded and dominated without reacting. By imposing welcome and “inclusiveness” on us – adopting an insider’s lexicon – they do not want us to really welcome and integrate people from other cultures and religions, but they want to create the premises for social disorder and the consequent disappearance of our traditions and our Faith.

When they talk to us about “resilience,” they are not telling us that they will protect us from the disasters that threaten us, but that we must resign ourselves to absorbing them without protest. When they accuse us of extremism or fundamentalism, it is only because they know that the faithful and the citizens with noble and holy ideals can resist, organise opposition, spread dissent. And when they impose on us a mass inoculation with a gene serum that has no efficacy but many serious and deadly side effects, they do so not for our health, but to modify our DNA and make us chronically ill, with a permanently compromised immune system and a life expectancy lower than the average healthy person. And to introduce into our bodies – as we have learned from the complaint recently filed by Attorney Carlo Alberto Brusa – self-assembling graphene nanostructures, capable of making us geolocatable, including the military.

Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord. 

Except I would not say that it is “essentially” satanic. It is quite literally satanic. It is the same evil that was behind the Tower of Babel, it is the fire of knowledge that the Prometheans worship, the water upon which the Phoenician Navy floats, and the Empire That Never Ended of which PKD wrote.

No matter what its name, all we really need to know is that it is the Enemy and our duty is to stand against it.


Abp. Viganò: Globalist doctrine is essentially 'satanic'; we must 'rebuild' Christendom - LifeSite

 'Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord.'

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Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòEditor’s note: The following is the text of a conference given by Archbishop Viganò at the Summer University – CIVITAS on August 14, 2020 in France. The Archbishop’s Q&A session is published in a separate article HERE.
(LifeSiteNews) — When human beings act, they do so with an end in view. Man’s action, what he does, represents a means to an end, which may be morally good or bad. Action proceeds from the will, and is born of thought, which is an act of the intellect. What we do is determined by who we are (all our faculties: memory, intellect and will). Scholasticism summarises this concept perfectly in three words: agere sequitur esse.
No one acts without a purpose. And even what has been happening before our eyes for more than two years now is the consequence of a set of concomitant causes that presuppose an initial thought, an informing principle, so to speak. And when we realise that the reasons given to us to justify the actions taken are not rational, it means that these reasons are pretexts, false reasons, which serve to hide an unmentionable truth.
This is the way of the Evil One. When he tempts us, he lies to make us believe that he is our friend, that he cares about our good. Like a fairground peddler, the devil offers us his miraculous finds, his elixirs of happiness and wealth, for the modest sum of our immortal soul. But this, like a swindler, he omits to say, of course; at most he writes it in small print in the clauses of the contract.
Everything is a lie when it comes to Satan. The premises are false: Your God oppresses you with heavy precepts. The promises are false: You can decide and get what you want. And everything is a lie too when Satan’s minions are organising to establish the dystopia of the New World Order.
READ: Abp. Viganò: Pontifical Academy for Life president has aligned himself with the UN, WHO
Well, since we cannot expect the Great Reset conspirators to tell us clearly what their final goal is – since it is something unmentionable and criminal – we can nevertheless reconstruct the mens, the thought that guides their actions by knowing the principles that inspire their actions and backing them up with their own words. And we are also able to understand that the reasons given are only pretexts. And yet the pretexts, as they are presented, demonstrate malice and premeditation, for if their plan were honest and good, they would not need to disguise it with illogical and incoherent excuses.
But what is this Great Reset? It is the forced imposition of a fourth industrial revolution that will lead the present economic and social system to implosion, and will allow, through a general impoverishment and a drastic reduction of the population, the centralisation of power in the hands of an elite of aspirants to immortality and world domination. They would like to reduce us to an amorphous mass of clients/slaves confined in boxes and perpetually connected to the network.
Through the Great Reset, they want to erase Western Christian society in order to establish a liberal-communist synarchy on the model of the Chinese dictatorship, in which the entire population is controlled and manoeuvrable at will. In a society inspired, if even only in a small way by Catholic values, the financial power groups and the New World Order elite would have no place. But this should not lead us to believe that their opposition to Christian society is merely economically and politically motivated. In reality, what triggers this hatred is that there might be, even in the most remote corner of the planet, a possible alternative to the globalist dystopia, a world in which the employer can honestly pay his employees, in which the state imposes reasonable taxes on its citizens, in which charities render services free of charge and without speculation, in which the innocence of children is respected and LGBTQ+ propaganda is not permitted. A world in which the Social Reign of Jesus Christ is shown to be not only possible, but the best form of society, administered for the common good and for the glory of God.
The mere existence of a term of comparison is a burning disavowal of the globalist deception, showing its horror and failure. The lies about the need for lockdowns are disavowed by the evidence that where they have not been adopted, there have been fewer cases of serious illness than where closures and curfews have been imposed. Lies about the effectiveness of the gene serum are debunked by cases of re-infection of multi-vaccinated people, serious adverse reactions, sudden deaths. The lies about the “sovereign people” and inviolable human rights have been debunked by absurd rules, unconstitutional norms, discriminatory laws in the silence of the judiciary.
Even the term of comparison constituted by the Mass of all time makes it impossible to prefer its Montinian counterfeit: this is why the Bergoglian church wants to prevent its celebration and keep the faithful away from it. To impose this horror on us, they have resorted to deception, telling the faithful that the Apostolic Mass is incomprehensible, and that it must be translated and simplified so that the faithful may better appreciate its meaning. But this was a lie. And if they had explained to us that their aim was exactly the same as that which the Protestant heresiarchs had set themselves – that is, to destroy the heart of the Catholic Church – we would have gone after them with pitchforks in hand.2022-08-30T00:00:00.000Z SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DAILY HEADLINES
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The globalist world does not tolerate comparisons. It demands this “exclusivity” which it denounces with horror as soon as it is not itself that claims it. It tears the clothes off the temporal power of the Church – with the complicity of fornicating and heretical clerics – and then demands absolute and irrational obedience to the dogmas it proclaims from Davos or Brussels. It celebrates freedom of speech and of the press, which it generously funds, but tolerates neither dissent nor truth, which it seeks to make simply inaccessible, invisible.
READ: Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis’ pagan smudging ritual was an ‘act of submission to the New World Order’
And again: the globalist world has no past to show us to confirm the greatness of its ideas, its philosophy, its faith. Conversely, it lives by falsifying history, by erasing the past, by eliminating it from the new generations. So that there is no one who, in front of Chartres Cathedral, is able to recognise the images of Christ and the Saints. So that no one would know that in the Holy Chapel was kept the ampulla of the Holy Chrism carried by an Angel to consecrate the Kings of France. So that no one could know their deeds, find their tombs, or understand the treasures of art and literature that have made the Catholic Nations great. The Cancel Culture reveals the radical ontological inconsistency of globalism in the face of the splendour of Christian civilisation.
The globalist world has no future. Or rather: the future it intends to give us is the darkest and most terrifying that the human mind can conceive. The future it presents to us is false and unrealizable. “I don’t have a house, I don’t own anything, and I’m happy,” Schwab and the promoters of Agenda 2030 try to convince us. But their aim is not to make us happy – which will not happen in time, of course – but to take away our homes and possessions. When they talk to us about pacifism and disarmament, it is not because they want peace, but because, being disarmed and without ideals, we will let ourselves be invaded and dominated without reacting. By imposing welcome and “inclusiveness” on us – adopting an insider’s lexicon – they do not want us to really welcome and integrate people from other cultures and religions, but they want to create the premises for social disorder and the consequent disappearance of our traditions and our Faith.
When they talk to us about “resilience,” they are not telling us that they will protect us from the disasters that threaten us, but that we must resign ourselves to absorbing them without protest. When they accuse us of extremism or fundamentalism, it is only because they know that the faithful and the citizens with noble and holy ideals can resist, organise opposition, spread dissent. And when they impose on us a mass inoculation with a gene serum that has no efficacy but many serious and deadly side effects, they do so not for our health, but to modify our DNA and make us chronically ill, with a permanently compromised immune system and a life expectancy lower than the average healthy person. And to introduce into our bodies – as we have learned from the complaint recently filed by Attorney Carlo Alberto Brusa – self-assembling graphene nanostructures, capable of making us geolocatable, including the military.
Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord. A hatred they cannot hide, which they display in the inauguration shows of European events (think of the inauguration of the St Gothard tunnel in Switzerland or the London Olympic Games, and very recently the inauguration of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham), in the “recommendations” not to celebrate Christmas and not to use Christian names for our children. Their hatred becomes murderous when they theorise abortion as a “human right,” hiding its atrocity behind the hypocritical expression of “reproductive health:” because it is life that they hate, in which they see the image and likeness of that God they have lost forever.
READ: Abp. Viganò: ‘Pride’ movement is satanic, must be conquered by ‘reparation,’ charity 
This image and likeness is much deeper than we think. They consist in the Trinitarian dimension of man, with his faculties that refer to the Three Divine Persons: memory (the Father), intelligence (the Son), and will (the Holy Spirit). And just as in the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Ghost is the Love that proceeds from the Father and the Son, so in man the will is the faculty that comes from the memory of things past and the understanding of things present. It is no coincidence that in the hellish reversal of the contemporary world, man finds himself deprived of his memories, history and traditions (think of Cancel Culture and demands for ‘forgiveness’ for falsified or distorted actions of our past), unable to express critical judgement (think of the cognitive dissonance generated by psychopandemia) and unable to order his will by subordinating it to intelligence (think of the inability to react to imposed evil or to the good of which we are deprived).
Modern society, with its fable about democracy, has taught us to think that we can possibly be Catholics, perhaps even traditionalists, as long as we do not question the fact that equal rights should be granted to anyone. We must respect the ideas of others, they tell us. But in the metaphysical sphere, in the eternity of God, this battle between Good and Evil is not secular or ecumenical: it is real, as are the armies deployed, that of the Civitas Dei and that of the civitas diaboli. The angels of Heaven and the apostate spirits of Hell have nothing to do with conciliar irenicism: they are waging a battle in which as many souls as possible must be snatched from the adversary. The saints who intercede for us have not read Fratelli Tutti, and St. Michael’s scales are not calibrated to the “case-by-case morality” or “situation ethics” of a heretical Jesuit or to the pastoral contortions of the synodal path.
Let us stop being politically correct, always afraid that our convictions might disturb the sensitive consciences of those who do not hesitate to tear apart a defenceless creature in its mother’s womb or to smother the elderly and the sick in their sleep. Too often we have been silent in the face of things that should not even be mentioned – from the normalisation of vices to the most degrading transgressions. Yet, as Catholics, we should know that God is alive and true despite the atheists, and that Christ exercises the titles of sovereignty over us as our Creator and Redeemer despite the liberals.
If we are not persuaded of these realities, we cannot even understand the action of the enemy, who is perfectly aware of this reality. If we are not persuaded of these realities, we will not set a credible example to those who, by our words and actions, might open their eyes and become compliant to Grace. It is difficult to believe those who do not like what they profess, just as it is difficult to give credence to the modernists, who by their uncharitable behaviour disavow their empty words. It is impossible to believe those who ask us to eat grasshoppers and cockroaches to save the planet, while they eat precious pieces of Kobe beef, or to abandon the diesel car, while they travel in private jets (there are hundreds of them in Davos during the World Economic Forum summits!).
We must rediscover this dimension of realism and objectivity, which they have made us lose step by step, or which they have taught us to be ashamed of. We are milites Christi, soldiers of Christ, called to fight an enemy who would like to strike us in the back or make us desert cowardly, because he knows that when he fights us openly, behind us he finds the Immaculate Virgin, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata. This Mother whom the Enemy hates in all the mothers of the earth, this Wife of the Lamb whom he vilifies by attacking the sanctity of Marriage and domestic virtues, this Woman whom he humiliates by disfiguring femininity or making an obscene parody of it.
The globalist doctrine is essentially satanic, because it is the most direct and implacable social and global application of the rebellion of Satan. We find in it that hybris, that defiance of Heaven which classical civilisation – still pagan but preordained to the advent of Christ’s message in the fullness of time – had wisely stigmatized and which brings us back to the rebellion of Lucifer. Hybris, the foolish pride of those who believe themselves to be like God and usurp the divine attributes, leads science today to deny its vocation to serve the good in order to place it at the service of the New Order, to accomplish with technological progress what was unthinkable in the past: to erase the separation between man and machine, between his mind and artificial intelligence.
— Article continues below Petition —PETITION: We won't give any money to liberal bishops who attack the Faith 5919 have signed the petition.Let's get to 6000!Add your signature:  Show Petition Text Email USAFirst Name Last Name State... Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues.  Sign this PetitionIt is therefore not surprising that transhumanism is one of the key points of Agenda 2030. Behind this crazy project of getting hold of creation and even daring to alter the sanctuary of consciousness into which only God descends with His Grace; behind this plan to violate the human being in order to “make him more efficient” there is, once again, a doctrinal aberration, a lie opposed to the Truth of God. To create an immortal being – as some would have it – is the technological reissue of an infernal delirium, at the base of which is the presumption of being able to erase in man the consequences of Original Sin. Where Adam’s sin brought death and disease, the deception of transhumanism promises immortality and health; where it led to the weakening of the intellect and the evil inclination of the will, the fraud of the machine-man promises access to knowledge and the possibility of being one’s own law. Where sin led to work fatigue, war and epidemics, the globalist dystopia promises a universal income, peace and the prevention of all diseases.
But death, disease, the weakening of the intellect and the evil inclination of the will, work fatigue, war and epidemics, are the just punishment for the infinite offence that all humanity, in its Progenitors, has caused to the Majesty of God by disobeying Him. He who deludes himself into believing that there are no consequences for this disobedience, does not want to accept his own degradation or recognise the work of Redemption of Jesus Christ, who came to earth propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem, dying on the Cross to redeem us from the yoke of Satan.
This is the true theological perspective from which to view the crisis of society and the Church. The delusion of transhumanism does not aim to make the athlete’s run faster or the soldier’s aim more precise, but to corrupt man in the body, after having struck him in the soul. Satan does not resign himself to defeat, which is all the more terrible because in it Our Lord’s obedience to the Eternal Father has shone forth, in opposition to the pride of the Luciferian Non serviam. And if God, through the ways of Grace, succeeds in touching souls and bringing them back to Himself, restoring them to eternal life, Satan is now attacking bodies, contaminating the work of the Creator and disfiguring the creature. His devastating work extends to the rest of creation as well, with abominable results that claim to rival the magnificence of God.
Such is the struggle between Good and Evil, which, since the creation of Adam, has also included human beings, who are called upon to choose which side to take. Because neutrality is already an alliance with those who deserve defeat. We know how powerful the enemy of the New World Order is and what his organisation is. We also know what drives him and what he wants to achieve. But it is precisely for this reason that we know that his victories are only apparent and doomed to failure; and that our duty, in this war already won by the Crucified One, is to choose which side we want to side with and to fight, first of all by opening our eyes to the lies that the mainstream information makes us swallow.
READ: Abp. Viganò: Freemasonry is using the WHO and the ‘Bergoglian church’ to advance its global coup
Understanding that there may be evil people who deliberately choose to side with Lucifer against God is the first step we must take if we are to resist the gigantic coup that is underway. These people are, in a sense, Satan’s “mystical body” and act to spread evil in the world and blot out the name of Christ: just as the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, acts in the Communion of Saints to spread Grace and glorify the Name of God. Again, civitas diaboli and Civitas Dei. If we believe that the pandemic emergency has been handled by incompetents and not by cynical exterminators, we are completely on the wrong track. Equally so if we believe that our leaders are not subservient to this elite of criminals, usurers and subversives, even though they have their careers thanks to them.
There was a time when it was normal for the subjects of a Christian kingdom to live according to the divine commandments, in which abortion, divorce, sodomy and usury were forbidden. That world, thanks to the slow and patient work of the conspirators, has been replaced by this one – which is not yet completely theirs – in which powers that derive their legitimacy neither from God nor from the people rule. And these powers prevent everything that was previously encouraged and rewarded, and encourage what was forbidden and punished.
If in the Civitas Dei Christ reigns, who reigns in the civitas diaboli but the Antichrist? Thus, if in the bene ordinata respublicathe true, the good and the beautiful are the theological expression of the perfections of God; in the globalist republic the false, the evil and the ugly are the most obvious manifestation of them. So much so that it has to become a general norm, a law of the state, a moral precept to which one must conform. Even in this case, if you pay attention, another deception is proposed again: that the tyranny of rulers and clergy justified by papist superstition has been definitively erased from revolutionary society, to be replaced by the government of the people under the auspices of the goddess Reason. Today we see how tyrannical are the globalist Leviathan and the Bergoglian Sanhedrin, united in their denial and in their betrayal of their role as rulers of the State and pastors of the Church.
Dear friends, your task – like that of many people of good will in so many other nations – is a sacred and very important one. It is the task of rebuilding, restoring, edifying. Exactly the opposite of what the followers of the civitas diaboli know how to do, capable only of destroying, demolishing, piling up rubble. And to rebuild, we must start again from the foundations, which are the foundations of the social edifice, placing Christ as the cornerstone, the keystone.
Remember that this perverse and corrupt generation has no future: it is a victim of its own blindness, its own sterility, its own inability to generate. Because to give life is a divine work, and this applies as much to the life of the body as to that of the soul; whereas the devil is only capable of giving death, and with it the dull despair of the soul torn from its ultimate and supreme end, which is God.
Be sure: the New World Order will not prevail. Its devastating fury that would reduce the world’s population to half a billion human beings will not prevail. His hatred for unborn life and for life that is dying out will not prevail. His plan of tyranny will not prevail. For it is precisely in the deprivation of the Good that we realise the price of what has been taken from us and find the determination and strength to fight and resist. Nor will prevail the apostasy which afflicts the Catholic Hierarchy, now the servant of the world: the sowers of discord and error who infest our churches will inexorably die out, leaving empty the cathedrals and churches, and the convents and seminaries which they occupied sixty years ago with the false promise of the conciliar spring. Because behind it all there is always the fraud and malice of the Liar.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Covid OFFICIAL SOURCES = FRAUD (Read and decide - CL)

 Monday, August 29th, 2022

The Biotech Plan To Destroy Us

Lew Rockwell

Orange Apologia?

Eric Peters

DC Is a Police State…Why Do We Go There?

Daniel McAdams

The End is Nearing: A World Slowly/Openly Turning Away from the USD

Matthew Piepenburg

The Tyranny Continues: A Trader Joe’s Manager Gives Me an Ultimatum

Allan Stevo

Exhaustive Study of German Mortality Data Finds Excess Deaths Tightly Correlated With Mass Vaccination


America’s Recipe for Systemic Disintegration

Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null

Moderna Sues BioNTech/Pfizer?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Trump Vaccine

Alexandra Bruce

Ron Paul: ‘The Government Needs To Do a Lot Less Real Soon!’


The Totally Not-Political FBI Pressures Facebook

Tom Woods

The Courage To Face Covid-19

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Qui Tam vs Cui Bono - Vox Popoli

Karl Denninger observes that the combination of the fraud they have committed and the damage they have caused millions of people have placed Pfizer and Moderna between a legal rock and a hard place:

The “Lincoln Law” came about because during a national emergency, specifically the Civil War, merchants screwed the government — and the people. It was the people who died, yet the government agencies failed to go after the parties who did the screwing and hold them accountable.

We now know this as the “False Claims” act, and it was passed so that when that sort of corruption occurs someone, in this case anyone who has specific knowledge, can bring the suit on behalf of the government and, if they are correct and win they get a piece of the recovered money. Since government contracts are usually for ridiculously large amounts of money by ordinary human standards this is a pretty-good incentive for anyone who has knowledge of such a thing to bring the suit — if you expose an actual fraud and win you’re typically set for life.

It is alleged that the Pfizer jibby-jab trials were frauds. I’ve pointed out several indicators that made clear they were utterly unreliable to provide scientific evidence of both safety and fitness for purpose. This suit was filed alleging that this wasn’t just poor design: The allegation is that the conduct and operation of the trials themselves was fraudulent, said fraud was material and it induced the government to issue EUAs and buy 100 million doses of the jabs. It also alleges that the purpose of the solicitation in the first place was “military readiness”.

Pfizer and the other firms involved filed a motion to dismiss.

The basis of their attempt to dismiss the claim is this:

Respondents seek dismissal without discovery, amendment, or trial. Their fundamental premise: even if honestly reported data showed their product caused more illness than it cured, inflicted more injury than it prevented, and took more lives than it saved, America’s military would still have given them billions of dollars and mandated it be injected into America’s military. Respondents claim fraudulent certifications, false statements, doctored data, contaminated clinical trials, and firing of whistleblowers can be ignored based on the theory that they contracted their way around the fraud.

Think about that last sentence.

The accused did not deny that fraud took place.

Instead they argue that fraud in the procurement, including fraud that harmed or killed the public and members of the military, is not actionable because the government and the parties it solicited to provide the jabs agreed that fraud was ok.

It’s worth noting that Pfizer is now openly admitting to having committed fraud in its scientific trials. This will hardly surprise those of us who were always deeply skeptical of the Covid vaccines, but it should serve as a wake-up call to those whose blood was polluted by them. Of course, human nature being what it is, in most cases they’ll still be blithely repeating the “safe and effective” mantra even when the manufacturers are openly admitting that their products are neither.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Death of Davos Man - Vox Popoli

 The postmodernist econo-cultural vision of Europe has failed abysmally, as the ambitions of its architects were always based on false foundations and vastly exceeded their capabilities. More than four-fifths of the world has rejected their evil vision; the active resistance to it has barely even begun to take form. But it is already clear that there will be no Great Reset, and the global imperialists who believed they were destined to rule the world and own everything in it will be lucky to survive the series of regime changes over the next decade that are among the probable consequences of the Euro-Russian War.

The leadership in Moscow is making it very clear, to internal and international audiences, the new deal consists in slow cooking the Kiev racket inside a massive cauldron while polishing its status of financial black hole for the collective West. Until we reach boiling point – which will be a revolution or a putsch.

In parallel, The Lords of (Proxy) War will continue with their own strategy, which is to pillage an enfeebled, fearful, Europe, then dressing it up as a perfumed colony to be ruthlessly exploited ad nauseam by the imperial oligarchy.

Europe is now a runaway TGV – minus the requisite Hollywood production values. Assuming it does not veer off track – a dicey proposition – it may eventually arrive at a railway station called Agenda 2030, The Great Narrative, or some other NATO/Davos denomination du jour.

As it stands, what’s remarkable is how the “marginal” Russian economy hardly broke a sweat to “end the abundance” of the wealthiest region on the planet.

Moscow does not even entertain the notion of negotiating with Brussels because there’s nothing to negotiate – considering puny Eurocrats will only be hurled away from their zombified state when the dire socio-economic consequences of “the end of abundance” will finally translate into peasants with pitchforks roaming the continent.

It may be eons away, but inevitably the average Italian, German or Frenchman will connect the dots and realize it is their own “leaders” – national nullities and mostly unelected Eurocrats – who are paving their road to poverty.

You will be poor. And you will like it. Because we are all supporting freedom for Ukrainian neo-nazis. That brings the concept of “multicultural Europe” to a whole new level.

It’s clear that the Russians have already concluded that they will have to separate the eastern half of Ukraine from the NATO-WEF regime in order to keep the Russian-speakers living there safe from the terrorist attacks of the desperate, and defeated, government in Kiev. The question is whether they will do so quickly, or if they will continue to proceed with the highly effective attrition warfare that is depleting US military resources while simultaneously putting economic pressure on the European governments.

My bet is on the latter. I suspect the Russians are less interested in regime change in Kiev than they are in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Warsaw, and Bern. They know perfectly well that the people of Europe are no more enthusiastic about “standing with Ukraine” than they are about “welcoming refugees”; the media narratives were always fake and wholly manufactured.

  • The EU will encounter “major challenges” due to the sanctions it imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine, the bloc’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, has said.
  • Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus has rejected the notion that the Ukrainian conflict has been the sole reason for the economic problems now experienced around the globe. “This is self-inflicted, this is self-inflicted by the West. The Russian invasion just added to that.”
  • Budapest refuses to negotiate any further EU restrictions targeting Russian energy because there is no current alternative to supplies from Moscow, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Saturday.
  • With food prices up 15 percent, COVID-19 job losses and surging energy costs, more and more people are seeking support from different social services. Germany’s 962 food banks are supporting more than two million customers.
  • Beyond firewood and natural gas, energy prices in Croatia have skyrocketed in the past few months. It’s not just consumers feeling the squeeze – across the country, it essentially forces many small fuel stations out of business. The entire nation is preparing for the incoming winter with unease.
  • A group of Left-SPD lawmakers have had enough of the unprecedented Ukraine arms shipments following on the heels of Berlin boosting its military budget by €100 billion. They’ve sent a letter to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz with the title, “The weapons must be silent!” Instead of pumping weapons into a hot conflict with a nuclear-armed superpower, the group within Scholz’s own party are demanding the pursuit of a diplomatic negotiations, pushing the Ukrainians to the peace talks table.

Davos Man is dead. And winter is coming.


All the way to Odessa | The Vineyard of the Saker

 by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

Dmitry Medvedev, relishing his unplugged self, has laid down the law on the Special Military Operation (SMO). Bluntly, he affirmed there is a “one and a half” scenario: either to go all the way, or a military coup d’Etat in Ukraine followed by admitting the inevitable. No tertium applies.

That’s as stark as it gets: the leadership in Moscow is making it very clear, to internal and international audiences, the new deal consists in slow cooking the Kiev racket inside a massive cauldron while polishing its status of financial black hole for the collective West. Until we reach boiling point – which will be a revolution or a putsch.

In parallel, The Lords of (Proxy) War will continue with their own strategy, which is to pillage an enfeebled, fearful, Europe, then dressing it up as a perfumed colony to be ruthlessly exploited ad nauseam by the imperial oligarchy.

Europe is now a runaway TGV – minus the requisite Hollywood production values. Assuming it does not veer off track – a dicey proposition – it may eventually arrive at a railway station called Agenda 2030, The Great Narrative, or some other NATO/Davos denomination du jour.

As it stands, what’s remarkable is how the “marginal” Russian economy hardly broke a sweat to “end the abundance” of the wealthiest region on the planet.

Moscow does not even entertain the notion of negotiating with Brussels because there’s nothing to negotiate – considering puny Eurocrats will only be hurled away from their zombified state when the dire socio-economic consequences of “the end of abundance” will finally translate into peasants with pitchforks roaming the continent.

It may be eons away, but inevitably the average Italian, German or Frenchman will connect the dots and realize it is their own “leaders” – national nullities and mostly unelected Eurocrats – who are paving their road to poverty.

You will be poor. And you will like it. Because we are all supporting freedom for Ukrainian neo-nazis. That brings the concept of “multicultural Europe” to a whole new level.

The runaway train, of course, may veer off track and plunge into an Alpine abyss. In this case something might be saved from the wreckage – and “reconstruction” might be on the cards. But reconstruct what?

Europe could always reconstruct a new Reich (collapsed with a bang in 1945); a soft Reich (erected at the end of WWII); or break with its past failures, sing “I’m Free” – and connect with Eurasia. Don’t bet on it.

Get back those Taurian lands

The SMO may be about to radically change – something that will drive the already clueless denizens of US Think Tankland and their Euro vassals even more berserk.

President Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu have been giving serious hints the only way for the pain dial is up – considering the mounting evidence of terrorism inside Russian territory; the vile assassination of Darya Dugina; non-stop shelling of civilians in border regions; attacks on Crimea; the use of chemical weapons; and the shelling of Zaporizhzhya power plant raising the risk of a nuclear catastrophe.

This past Tuesday, one day before the SMO completing six months, Crimea’s permanent representative to the Kremlin, Georgy Muradov, all but spelled it out.

He stressed the necessity to “reintegrate all the Taurian lands” – Crimea, the Northern Black Sea and the Azov Sea – into a single entity as soon as “in the next few months”. He defined this process as “objective and demanded by the population of these regions.”

Muradov added, “given not only the strikes on Crimea, but also the continuous shelling of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the dam of the Kakhovka reservoir, peaceful facilities on the territory of Russia, the DNR and LNR, there are all preconditions to qualify the actions of the Banderite regime as terrorist.”

The conclusion is inevitable: “the political issue of changing the format of the special military operation” enters the agenda. After all, Washington and Brussels “have already prepared new anti-Crimean provocations of the NATO-Bandera alliance”.

So when we examine what the “restoration of the Taurian lands” implies, we see not only the contours of Novorossiya but most of all that there won’t be any security for Crimea – and thus Russia – in the Black Sea without Odessa becoming Russian again. And that, on top of it, will solve the Transnistria dilemma.

Add to it Kharkov – the capital and top industrial center of Greater Donbass. And of course Dnipropetrovsk. They are all SMO objectives, the whole combo to be later protected by buffer zones in Chernihiv and Sumy oblasts.

Only then the “tasks” – as Shoigu calls them – of the SMO would be declared fulfilled. The timeline could be eight to ten months – after a lull under General Winter.

As the turbo-charged SMO rolls on, it’s a given the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder will continue to prop up and weaponize the Kiev racket till Kingdom Come – and that will apply especially after the Return of Odessa. What’s unclear is who and what gang will be left in Kiev posing as the ruling party and doing specials for Vogue while duly fulfilling the mass of imperial diktats.

It’s also a given the CIA/MI6 combo will be refining non-stop the contours of a massive guerrilla war against Russia in multiple fronts – crammed with terror attacks and all sorts of provocations.

Yet in the Bigger Picture it’s the inevitable Russian military victory in Donbass and then “all the Taurian lands” that will hit the collective West like a lethal asteroid. The geopolitical humiliation will be unbearable; not to mention the geoeconomic humiliation for vassalized Europe.

As Eurasian integration will become an even stronger vector, Russian diplomacy will be solidifying the new normal. Never forget that Moscow had no trouble normalizing relations, for instance, with China, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Israel. All these actors, in different ways, directly contributed to the fall of the USSR. Now – with one exception – they are all focused on The Dawn of the Eurasian Century.