
Monday, July 29, 2024

Fight for Us, White Male Scum: Why We Will Win the War for the West – The Occidental Observer

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Clown World loathes Whites and loves wars. This creates a problem, because straight White men, the lowest of the low in Clown World’s eyes, are needed to fight Clown World’s wars. Alas, the policy of “Revile them, then recruit them” isn’t going well. In both Britain and America, White male recruitment to the military is disastrously down even as Clown World plans a triumphant war against Russia. And China. And Iran. And North Korea. There’s an Axis of Evil, you see, that must be opposed by an Axis of Anal. Evil countries like Russia, which don’t believe in the worship of homosexuals and non-Whites, must be defeated by good countries like Britain, which do believe in such worship. Here’s a Clown World warrior laying it on the line: