(DaSynagogue of Satan Plan - instigate a war to destroy the nation's infrastructure and kill a few million people - then pick up the pieces at a steal to gain control of the economy and make billions or trillions in profits - works really well with folks 'educated' by servants of Satan. - CL)
Read full text:
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/who-really-profits-ukraine-warZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero www.zerohedge.com |
This dichotomy is alarming: the same institutions that financed destruction are now celebrated as leaders of reconstruction. The “fund of reconstruction” proposed for Ukraine is not just a humanitarian effort; it is also a strategic maneuver to ensure that Western capital has control over the country’s future assets and economic infrastructure. The reconstruction of Ukraine, costing up to a trillion dollars, presents a lucrative opportunity for these companies, which are now seen as saviors.