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Three wise men traveled a long way following a strange star, to a place they had never been, to offer gifts to a newborn, full of faith in the promise this baby would bring to the world. It’s a story told over and over, and the foundation of the many nativity scenes set up beside our country roads at this time of year. Bearing witness, through our simple existence, expressing love in the best way we know how, is especially important to Christians. In expressing love, we must forgive our enemies. If you think that’s tough, Christians have more to … Continue reading → |
As an American with a life invested in love of country, inculcated with America’s celebration of liberty, and its founding value of freedom of speech and thought, Christmas for me is as much an intellectual challenge as it is a spiritual one.
I wonder if my love of liberty and exercise of free speech is more like a nativity scene than the real thing. I wonder if my Christianity is a cultural accommodation, rather than a commitment.
I cannot forgive the monsters among us, and I find very much to despise in our government, at so many levels. I have always heard, hate the sin, not the sinner, but even in local government, the sins of arrogance and greed and self-righteousness infect even the lowliest of bureaucrats.