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The United States has paid a huge price for India’s lie without even knowing it. Yet, to this day, India has not faced any consequences for its deception. It continues to lie with impunity because it knows its lies will never be challenged. Adding insult to injury, despite India having American blood on its hands, the Western media still props up India, thinking it is a benign force for the world simply because it is a democracy. In the American sophomoric and simplistic worldview, where countries are divided into good versus evil, with democracies seen as inherently good and authoritarian regimes as evil, there is little chance that China will receive a fair hearing in its dispute with India. There is a real danger that America may once again be manipulated into war in Asia—this time not with Vietnam, but with a resurgent China, with all the ramifications that entails. The best way to reduce the likelihood of this happening is to immunize Americans about Indians’ deceptive nature to reduce their susceptibility, which shouldn’t be difficult, given that Indians are well-known as scammers in Western society.