
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part II, by Jared Taylor - The Unz Review

 (The only race that is not allowed to be racist is White. Why and how so? Because Whites have been   convinced to believe that bullshit is  caviar! - CL)

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No, but here’s what we can do. (Just segments below)

If government, media, and society recognized the right to free association – even for white people – it would be a huge step forward towards the only option for us: disengagement.

There is already disengagement, of course. Millions of white people live in whiteopias, but you shouldn’t have to be rich to have white neighbors, and even if you live in Aspen, Colorado or Chappaqua, New York, there’s no guarantee they will stay white.

We have to establish parts of the United States – they can start as small as neighborhoods and then expand – that aren’t white only by accident or because they are rich. We need communities that are self-consciously, explicitly white.

That’s something we can do. There are not even a million Orthodox Jews in the America, but they have set up towns such as Monsey, and New Square, New York, where everyone is orthodox.

Everyone from the plumber to the drummer and bass guitarist is orthodox.

Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire
Credit Image: © Lev Radin/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire

Orthodox Jews started moving to Monsey in the 1940s, and now it belongs to them. Good luck trying to buy a house there. It’s illegal to discriminate, but houses change hands only within the community, so outsiders never know they are for sale.

Many people have built communities.

My point is this: Yes, it is a big commitment to move house to be part of a community, but if orthodox Jews can do it, and cuckoo whites and blacks can do it, sane whites can do it.

White people are building communities even where they have no chance of taking over. These are networks for helping each other with home schooling, carpentry or plumbing, babysit each other’s children, celebrate marriages and childbirths, just get together for fellowship.

Earlier, I said I’m more optimistic than ever. Why? Despite the relentless censorship – I’m still not on X – the AmRen website is more popular than ever, and we are now just one of many first-rate white advocacy organizations. When I put out a print magazine, the largest number of people I ever reached was 4,000 subscribers a month.

Now, AmRen reaches tens of thousands of people every day.

And thanks to social media, countless other people speak out for whites. There must be literally thousands of X accounts that blast the double standards, highlight race differences, and promote white interests.

But my greatest source of optimism is the wonderful young people coming into our movement. Wherever I go, I meet impressive, successful young men and women who understand the crisis we face and are willing to work – work hard – for our people. And when I say impressive, I mean it. By the time they are in their twenties, they know more than I did in my 40s or 50s.

Some of them will go on to greatness. They will build our new home on this continent. What an exciting time to be alive, to know how much is at stake, and to be willing to fight for what you love. How I envy these young people their youth.

This is a time of tremendous ferment. Anything could happen – any time. No one can predict how the pieces of the white renaissance will fall into place, but I am certain that they will.