
Friday, June 7, 2024

The New Reconstructed Ukraine Will Be Owned By Stakeholders - by Helena

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Ridding Ukraine of citizens was the objective all along.  Using Russia as the scapegoat was the objective – all along.   The strategy was twofold;  1.  the isolation of boogey-man Russia weakening their global impact and setting them up for a complete Coup, while   2.   capitalizing on reducing Ukraine to rubble from which a rebuild could be justified.  The reason Ukraine was chosen?   1.  The Kabbalah detests Bohemians and the poor.  2.  The resources of Ukraine are worth 10s of Trillions.   3.  Bring in the nasty-pants burlesque dancer to run roughshod – and voila!

There are roughly 6-8.2 million Ukraine refugees.  The vast majority are in Russia, Germany, Poland and Czechia.  Gaining citizenship and rights are subject to the refugee laws of the individual countries.   Germany requires five years residency before citizenship will even be considered.  Ukrainians must eke a living in an economy that is in recession.  They have relinquished everything they owned and must start from scratch in countries where citizens can be hostile toward them.