
Monday, August 12, 2024

America’s Military-Industrial Complex Too Corrupt To Win - By Eric Zuesse

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Ever since at least 1991, the purpose of America’s military is to produce even more profits for the billionaires, and no longer to win wars (as was the case prior to President Truman). Wars are needed by it only as being the necessary excuse so as to keep the voters fooled in the ways that the billionaires need them to be fooled, so as to keep this siphon of wealth, from the masses to the classes, to continue, ad nauseum.

All of America’s successful politicians for national offices, in Congress and in the White House, are enemies of the public, and friends to at least some of the approximately 1,000 billionaires in America. The most profitable investment that any one of those billionaires makes is that person’s politicians. And the one thing that all of America’s billionaires agree politically on, is that each and every one of them is a neocon — a supporter of expanding the U.S. empire even further.

Consequently: America’s billionaires require this enormous corruption; and, so, as long as they will remain in power here, America will get further and further behind, militarily. Trying to expand their empire while declining internationally in their means of even sustaining their existing empire, will soon force them to choose between halting their further-expansion goal, or else going immediately all-out for ‘victory’. The longer they wait, the less will be the likelihood of even their survival. If they’re determined to ‘win’ a nuclear war, they will need to launch it as soon as possible, though the consequences of it would kill off half of the planet’s human population within just the first two years.