
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Clown World Still in Denial - Vox Popoli

(Clown World = DaSynagogue of Satan - are the present rulers of DaUS, UK and all of Western Civilization. What that means is that your votes count ZERO - your welfare is in THEIR HANDS - if there is to be war, it is for THEIR benefit - NOT yours, but you will provide the blood and treasure as usual. Why is this so? Hosea wrote: My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge! Most DON’T WANT to know, because it takes effort and a desire to understand the world around them. Besides - comfort rules.....until........DISCOMFORT kicks in. - CL)

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The true recognition of the costs? What costs? To the contrary, China, like Russia and a number of other countries both in and out of BRICS, are beginning to recognize the true costs of engagement with Clown World. They see the degeneracy, they observe the material decline in morals, wealth, native birth rates, average IQ, and population demographics, and they rightly don’t want any part of it. What Clown World calls “freedom” and “democracy” is actually a slow-motion societal suicide. No matter what economic costs they might face, or foreign investments they might lose, no price is too high in exchange for removing themselves from the baleful influence of the Clown World cancer.

It’s not China that is in denial, but rather, the clowns of Clown World.