
Thursday, August 1, 2024

You Didn't REALLY Expect Competence, Right?

(More and more often NOW - the level of incompetence is showing up every day in every way.... EVERYWHERE! Have you figured out why yet? - CL)

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Why do I bring this up here?

Because its emblematic of the situation in virtually every consumer space.  You can't talk to anyone who knows what they're doing and that might be because almost-literally nobody does, and certainly nobody does in a customer-facing role.  All the people you can talk to are first-level folks reading a script and following an instruction manual for "support", which is fine and well until they screw up rather than it being a situation where you screwed up at which point there's real trouble because that situation isn't in their training or within their experience and the second-level people who can work the problem are near-zero in number and the company won't let you talk to them.  In many cases the individuals you can talk to are likely not even in the US, and this is especially true when its an online interaction because you can't hear their voices and thus the obvious fact that they're not Americans.

This is where we've wound up folks, and don't kid yourself -- it sucks.