
Sunday, September 29, 2024

How Did It Come to This? – The Occidental Observer

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However, all this is not just happening; it is being created to destroy Europe and the people who come from there. Behind it is a small, but highly influentialethnocentric minority that has set itself the goal of eliminating the majority in order to maneuver more easily in a world that exclusively consist of minorities. Among the authors of all the evils listed above, not least the so-called student revolt of 1968,4 which greatly accelerated the development, or rather dismantling of society that we have witnessed, this minority is represented in large numbers, just as it has a decisive influence on the media world that peddles this madness.

Despite this, the right wing loves this minority and does not tolerate criticism of it. People who, like the Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlquist, have seen the connection between this minority and the dismantling of the homogeneous European nation-states are excluded by nationalist circles who suddenly fear being labeled anti-Semitic. But it is necessary to address this problem, to articulate it, as it is called today. How can it be that the overwhelming majority of this minority vigorously promotes immigration to Europe and its successor states, but does not make the same demands of Israel, which must remain a homogeneous Jewish community? As long as European nationalists refuse to open their eyes and analyze the situation as it is, but continues to talk about Muslims, burkas and all the other symptoms of impending doom, it will remain insignificant and unable to make a difference. The salvation of Denmark and the entire Western culture requires the courage of truth, however unpleasant that truth may seem! It is time to stop dealing only with the symptoms. You have to start calling a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel!

It is not the Palestinians who are destroying us!