
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trump’s Geopolitical Strategy (or Lack Thereof) in Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal - By Doug Casey

 The average American has forgotten that his real enemy aren’t some motley foreigners on the other side of the globe—it’s his own government. - Doug Casey

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Doug Casey: Apart from the fact that the world would be better off with many more microstates, not just a few megastates (or MAGAstates), it’s further proof that Trump has no philosophical core, and the US government is “on tilt.” That’s said of an incompetent, out-of-control gambler who keeps doubling his bets in the hope of somehow breaking even. The US is irredeemably bankrupt, controlled by an entrenched and deeply corrupt Deep State which operates for its own benefit, not the country as a whole.

I’m afraid the US is like a star about to go supernova, in collapse after burning its fuel. Or a dinosaur thrashing around in its death throes. It’s become a bankrupt multicultural domestic empire. Contrary to what Trump seems to think, it can’t solve its problems by expanding and taking over more territory.

That will only create more chaos.

International Man: What are the overall investment implications of Trump’s geopolitical strategy?

Doug Casey: We’re in for tough times. But, as always, I like to look at the bright side… namely that Harris and the Jacobins aren’t returning to office next week. On the dark side, Trump is starting to prove himself a megalomaniac. A bull in a China shop. A loose cannon. But, going back to the bright side, maybe this will have the effect of delegitimizing the US government, which is rotten to its core.

The average American has forgotten that his real enemy aren’t some motley foreigners on the other side of the globe—it’s his own government.The Great Money Bubble...Stockman, David A.Best Price: $3.18Buy New $8.00(as of 05:20 UTC - Details)

If Trump breaks some Deep State rice bowls, that’s great. I wish him, via Elon and Vivek, great success. Although success is a longshot bet. But what if Trump goes megalomaniacally wild and creates international chaos—in addition to what he may do in the Middle East or the Ukraine?

Washing away rotten foundations is both good and necessary. The problem is that a sound replacement foundation doesn’t exist on which to rebuild things because the basics of American society have been washed away as well.

I think we’re looking at potential chaos over the next four years, and then, when the Republicans are kicked out of office, it will get even worse. Truly rabid Democrats will take power as “our democracy” begs for a new father figure or Big Brother to kiss the situation and make it better.

So, as Lenin said, “What is to be done?”

With grossly overpriced stock, bond, and real estate markets, and a fiat currency heading towards its intrinsic value, it makes sense to own gold, silver, other underpriced commodities, and, of course, some speculations in the companies that produce them.

Review: The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? By Jim Davis and Michael Graham | The Heidelblog

(Here's your real reason - - churchianity.....and how did we get here? 

Read more: - CL)

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Interestingly, the authors note that the more education people have, the more likely they are to stay in church. 

(What does that mean? Is that a reflection on education, religion or both? - CL)

What Trump Should Do ?

(Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him - REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE! If he acts as president of Israel.....MAGA is DOA! - CL)

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If Trump can deal with the real challenges that we face instead of being led off to fake challenges serving special interests, he will go down as the greatest American president in history.

The Essence Of The Scams

(Best jobs in the world - government employment - no competence required - just DEI! And awesome pensions! - CL)

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The California fires have laid bare, for those who can think anyway, the sheer scale of the scams, grift and frauds that every American deals with silently and -- in many cases without even thinking about it -- every single day.

They've got a "public works" employee who makes $750,000 a year.  How many ordinary people in LA make $750,000 a year?  Exactly how do you justify a salary nearly double that of the President of the United States when you can't manage to keep fire hydrants full of water under pressure when there is a fire?

The Fire Chief, who publicly stated that LGBTQRS++++ and "equity" were the most important things in her department, and even went further and when questioned on this, since there are basically zero women who can pass firefighting physical standards designed to insure you can carry a grown man down a ladder out of a 2nd story window if required that "if that happens then the man shouldn't have been there" -- and this was good for a total pay in 2023 of $439,772.39.  Oh by the way, the next two down the ladder in the Fire Department in terms of salary are paid $331,371 and $403,577 respectively for a total of roughly one million in salary and benefits.

None of those three nor anyone else in LA's alleged "engineering" departments thought that buying sea-scooping aircraft was advisable even though dropping water from the air is one of the best ways to fight fires that are not adjacent to a public street simply because there are no pipes there -- and in the case of LA there is an inexhaustible source of water right there called an "ocean."

‘Follow the Science’...Back to Christendom

 Confirmed -

The first two universities appeared in Paris and Bologna, in the middle of the twelfth century. Then, Oxford and Cambridge were founded about 1200, followed by a flood of new institutions during the remainder of the thirteenth century: Toulouse, Orléans, Naples, Salamanca, Seville, Lisbon, Grenoble, Padua, Rome, Perugia, Pisa, Modena, Florence, Prague, Cracow, Vienna, Heidelberg, Cologne, Ofen, Erfurt, Leipzig, and Rostock.[2]

These were the institutions where science was born.[3] Contrary to much modern propaganda which portrays this era as a dark age, it was actually an age where progress was being made in many of the scientific disciplines that would make our modern world possible.

This is because scientific enquiry was part of the culture of these institutions. Building on the work of the ancient Greeks, rather than just preserving it, brilliant men made much progress on various aspects of the scientific body of knowledge. - 

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Most Americans and Europeans are well aware that they belong to a culture that has long been shaped by its love of science and engineering.  But ask them what era in our history that technological impulse can be traced to, and I suppose that most would either say it began with the ancient Greeks, or else during the Renaissance and the “Scientific Revolution” around the year 1500.

Few think of the Christian Middle Ages as a time of great innovations, a time when mathematics, science, and especially engineering came to matter in daily life to a degree that would have stunned the ancients.  This ignorance, on the part of most people now living, is a crying shame.

Weaponizing the US Dollar. Can it work?, by Michael Hudson - The Unz Review

 Money today is created on the computer. Any strong and self-sufficient nation or regional grouping can create its own money. They no longer need to base their money and debt on silver and gold bullion.

So I think that Trump is living in a past world – especially given the right-wing Republican “hard money” crowd pining for the old gold-exchange standard, insisting that government money creation is inherently inflationary (as if bank credit is not at all). I guess that’s what makes him a genius: He’s able to hold two opposing views at the same time, each with its own logic that contradicts his other view.

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Something has to give. And this will affect not only U.S. financial markets, but the balance of payments as foreign capital flees to safety by leaving the United States. That would be the first time in more than a century when this flight to safety is away from the United States, not to it.

The U.S. economy has been re-designed to inflate financial gains, even while de-industrializing by outsourcing its labor force. So what seemed to be U.S. industrial has been replaced by financialized de-industrialization.

That means that the drive by BRICS to defend themselves collectively against U.S. hegemony implies really a fundamental broad and split in what is a desirable way to organize economies. opposing finance capitalism as predatory. Esp. as Trump is trying to push it, by imposing sanctions against countries moving away from dollars.

Into the second year of Israeli genocide in Gaza, by Salim Mansur - The Unz Review

 (Please meet the servants of Satan - 

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There is no mourning in most Christian churches for victims of Israeli genocide, while Christian Zionist pastors richly paid for by Zionist lobbyists fill their churches with propaganda to hasten the second-coming of Christ in the holy land now swollen with the remains of the dead and dying of his people genocided by Israelis.