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Monday, March 10, 2025
The Collapse Begins - Vox Popoli - (Ukraine)
Projecting on Putin - Vox Popoli
(Do your own self-test - whether you agree with the Atlantic article or Vox Day - and based on that - evaluate your own awareness of REALITY. - CL)
Clown World propaganda outlet The Atlantic absurdly tried to pin the observable loss of faith in “democracy” across the West on Vladimir Putin: Putin’s objectives were always clear: He craved less hostile leaders in the West, people who would work to dismantle NATO and the European Union from within. Above all, he hoped to discredit […] |
This is revisionist and characteristically-inversive nonsense. The idealism of “American democracy” has vanished, not due to Putin and Xi cunningly exploiting the advantages of autocracy, but because so-called “representative democracy” has repeatedly and reliably proven itself to be aggressively opposed to the will of the people.
In fact, “Western democracy” is explicitly anti-democratic; genuine democracy that accurately expresses the will of the people is castigated as “populism” or worse. Every time the will of the people is democratically expressed, it is overturned and overruled by the elite’s captive courts; one little-realized consequence of the failure of this faux democracy as a governing system is the way that it has underlined the intrinsic corruption of the court systems which have even less respect for genuine justice than the “representative” institutions have for genuinely expressing the collective will of the people they supposedly represent.
The Founding Fathers were always rightly dubious of democracy. But their intricate tripartite system designed to achieve some of its benefits while avoiding some of its costs has turned out to be even more corruptible, and even worse, than they could possibly have imagined.
The astonishing and observably reality is that both the Russian and the Chinese systems are now superior to the wicked corruption of Western democracies, in both the moral and material senses. And this is not the result of anything the Russian or Chinese leaders have done, it is the direct result of the complete abandonment of the historical principles of Christendom that made the West great.
I 'Bash' Them BECAUSE THEY ARE CRAP in [Market-Ticker-Nad] - SEED OILS!
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Until recently, most Americans had never heard the term “seed oils,” even though they’ve likely cooked with and consumed them for decades.
It’s the catchy description coined by internet influencers, wellness gurus and some politicians to refer to common cooking oils — think canola, soybean and corn oil — that have long been staples in many home kitchens.
Those fiery critics refer to the top refined vegetable oils as “the hateful eight” and claim that they’re fueling inflammation and high rates of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.
Well I cannot prove that they are the cause of obesity, diabetes and all other sort of malady.
However, I can tell you that for a huge percentage of people but not all they have a marked, easily-identified and absolutely repeatable seriously-negative impact on a very sensitive metabolic marker that cannot be argued with, it is approximately as bad as drinking three beers at once in many individuals (myself included) which exactly nobody argues is "healthy" and it is trivially discernable on an individual basis with a device that costs little but until a few years ago didn't exist in the consumer space at all.
But since you can now on an individual basis identify if you are harmed by these -- why would you not?
Simply get a smartwatch or other device that measures overnight HRV, establish a baseline, and then if you eat them now take one week and eliminate all of them from what you consume, changing nothing else.
If you do not eat them now (and if you eat "carnivore" you probably don't) then go ahead and try eating them and see if you get immediately hit that night.
Again, this is personal and utterly impossible to argue with when it comes to the results.
Oh by the way you can also identify many other "foods" that do bad things to you as well this way, and yes you should. You're likely to learn a lot -- and if you act on that it may have marked improvements in your health
A Christian Response To '10 Reasons Why Racism Is A Sin' By The Gospel Coalition - Christians for Truth
(The Gospel Coalition) A few years ago, an article appeared titled “10 Reasons Why Racism Is A Sin” by an evangelical Christian, Kevin DeYoung, on The Gospel Coalition website.
And while there is nothing particularly unique about this article, we believe that it does represent the views of most so-called “judeo-Christian” denominations, so we decided to respond to it with the intention to reveal if, in fact, these views are truly supported by Scripture.
Before we start, we should first understand the definitions of “sin” and “racism” — to ensure that we do not engage in a fallacious “straw man” argument.
Definition of “Racism” and “Race”
First, a quick search of any online translation of the Bible will reveal that the word “racism” does not appear anywhere is Scripture — nor is “racism” specifically singled out as one of the sins listed in the Ten Commandments.
This should come as no surprise because the term “racism” did not come into use until the early 20th century:
“racism: by 1928, in common use from 1935, originally in a European context, “racial supremacy as a doctrine, the theory that human characteristics and abilities are determined by race“
So if Christians are going to look for “racism” in the Bible, they risk imposing a 20th century political term — which arose out of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia — onto the ancient, Greco-Roman world.....
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Some background: How Communists Infiltrated and Subverted Christian Churches in America - Christians for Truth -
Revisiting a Forgotten History of Christian Political Activism - By Mark McClure
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Since the Obama years, pastors and church leaders have felt emboldened to promote Liberal/Leftist/Statist political points-of-view. Conservative Christians, on the other hand, have tended to ... |
The standard evangelical Christian teaching is that we should do both of those, period. This world-view promotes passivity. The implication is, we as believers do our thing and governmental authorities do their thing, and since we seek spiritual purity only, then we must passively obey and passively stand by and watch, whether politicians and bureaucrats run things well, or they are corrupt and oppressive.
A little-known historical figure had a profound impact on the people who would lead the American Revolution, a pastor named Jonathan Mayhew. Mayhew isn’t well-known now because we’ve secularized our history (a shameful blunder), but at the time, he was considered heroic for his teachings.
Mayhew wrote a book titled A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers where he considered Christian submission to the king, and whether that obedience should be absolute, or if there are times when Christians should defy governing authorities.
Mayhew argued that it is absolutely the duty of the believer to obey governing authorities — if those authorities rule for the good of society.
According to Mayhew’s interpretation of Scripture, though, tyrants and oppressors are exempt from the Christian injunction to obey. He specifically said that tyrants and oppressors are not entitled to the obedience of their subjects. In fact, we have a moral duty to resist them. And not just tyrants, but all governing authorities who are corrupt and who bring ruin and misery as well. It is our civic duty to hold them accountable.
That makes significantly more sense than the passive teaching that essentially says that we are to make ourselves nothing, a non-entity, for the sake of Christ. In the passive understanding of obedience, there is no impetus to help ourselves, and there is really no motivation to help our friends and neighbors if their rights are infringed upon either.
Broken Doctors for a Broken Medical System, by Ambrose Kane - The Unz Review
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Looking at America’s Healthcare system and its effectiveness in helping people with chronic disease, there is little reason to feel positive about it nor to be hopeful that serious reforms will be implemented any time soon. RFK Jr. who was recently sworn in as the 26th Secretary of Health and Human Services, is likely to be roadblocked in his efforts to make America a healthier country. |
The medical industrial complex realizes that a healthier nation not as dependent upon medical doctors nor pharmaceutical drugs will significantly reduce its monetary profits. No matter what common sense reforms RFK Jr. proposes, it will likely be frowned upon and publicly resisted by multiple medical associations and academies. The health of patients plays little importance when huge profits are at stake, and one must always remember that modern medicine is a business first and foremost. Health care in America is enormously costly because it’s designed to be that way. Once you understand this, you’re on your way to be liberated from it.
One might think that the greater number of physicians would at least stand behind public policy reformers such as RFK Jr. since they know first-hand just how bloated and corrupt today’s medical matrix is. But I doubt this will prove to be the case on any large scale. This is because far too many individual physicians are themselves part of the problem. Though these same doctors may recognize the many obstacles associated with modern Healthcare on a theoretical level, they dare not speak out because of the threats this may bring to their medical license and status as a physician.
White houses: These are sprouting up in every rich neighborhood in America. I had to find out why.
They’re huge. They’re unsightly. They’re everywhere. When one went up next door, I went on a quest for answers.
American houses haven’t actually gotten much bigger over the past 25 years or so. The average new single-family home built in America in 2024 was 2,366 square feet, just slightly up from 2,223 ... |