
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Basic Premise: Get Out, Or Else - by Karl Denninger

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Yeah, I'll say it and I don't give a shit what someone calls me for doing so.

There are humans that are, and always will be, utterly incompatible with America.  We have let hundreds of thousands of them in under false pretense and false claims -- knowingly false claims.  The politicians who did so, the mayors, governors, cops and others who have stood back and allowed this or even suborned it, must go.  They must either leave public life and all of these people must be expelled or eventually there will be a civil war.

I am speaking most-particularly of the crazy-level invasion of Haitians but not exclusively so.  These are a people who literally destroyed their own nation over the last 200 years and have refused to do a damn thing to fix it themselves.  They clear-cut their own hillsides leading to utter devastation because they were unable to think far enough ahead to realize that a hurricane would inevitably strike because of where their nation is, and when it did, if they clear-cut the trees on said hillsides, there would be ruinous mudslides.  They had zero capacity to express time preference which is a mark of people with IQs under 80, which is incidentally incompatible with American life by any standard; these people cannot even be janitors in a modern society.

Israel Did 9/11, by Wyatt Peterson - The Unz Review

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The privatization of the WTC complex paved the way for ultra-Zionists Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy to purchase a 99-year lease on the property in July 2001 which included a reworked insurance policy doubling their coverage in the event of a terrorist attack. The buildings were insured by Ace Limited and Marsh McLennan, both owned by Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg, who shortly thereafter sold on the liability to various other companies that would very soon take the hit. After the attacks, Silverstein would be awarded a $4.55 billion insurance payout despite only putting up $14 million of his own money to purchase the properties. It was a classic case of what our forefathers would’ve called ‘Jewish lightning.’

THE WAY THEY WERE - by Mark Oshinskie

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In addition to writing and wearing a shirt, I still bring up the Scamdemic during direct encounters. This makes people uncomfortable and testy.

Good. Creating discomfort has value. How many times have you heard people say, in other contexts, that it’s virtuous to “afflict the comfortable?”

The Depravity of the Zionist Mind - Chuck Baldwin

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I am absolutely convinced that until the U.S. Congress and America’s evangelical churches sever their ties with and devotion to the Zionist State of Israel, America will continue its societal, cultural, economic, spiritual and political collapse. I believe a strong case could be made for the proposition that Israel’s demise portends America’s demise—as the American government and Church have become surrogates of the Zionist state.

As many Middle East experts—in and out of Israel—have repeatedly said, Israel’s self-destruction is inevitable. And without divine intervention that forces the United States to separate itself from the apartheid Zionist state, America will continue to follow Israel—all the way to the grave.

No other country in the world could get by with the criminal atrocities that Israel repeats day in and day out, week in and week out and month in and month out.

Another September 11th – Edward Curtin

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Have you ever noticed how in all the presidential debates since 2001, the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001 is never discussed?  It is just assumed that the government’s version of events is true.  It is a third rail of American politics; mention it and your goose is cooked.

The Ukraine Sacrifice – Kursk Invasion Hastens Ukraine Defeat, Boris Johnson’s Disastrous Legacy, War Crimes in Kursk - LewRockwell

(DaFruits of DaSynagogue of Satan! Is America next? That's us folks! - CL)

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Up to a million Ukrainians are now killed or wounded in the futile war. The 20 year long attack on Ukraine by the West, overturning elected governments, using the country as a battering ram to bring about “regime change in Moscow” and “break up Russia” has been a catastrophe for the people of Ukraine.

The country’s infrastructure and energy installations are largely destroyed, the valuable minerals and industrial base in the East have been lost, millions have fled the country, the youth is being destroyed on the battlefields, the birth rate is catastrophic and corruption is rife. In the history books this period should be known as “the Ukraine Sacrifice”. A sacrifice on the altar of US neocon imperial ideas, German Europe’s “Push to the East” and a decadent British political class (without public support) surrendering to Russophobia and leading the rhetorical charge.How the West Brought W...Abelow, BenjaminBest Price: $4.98Buy New $9.99(as of 07:00 UTC - Details)

On September 1st, the 500,000th Ukrainian soldier’s obituary was published in Ukraine. At least that number have in addition been wounded or are missing. The battlefields are notoriously covered with un-retrieved corpses, images of which never of course appear in western media, although recently the American Washington Post reporting on a video from a cemetery in Kharkov, quoted a Polish journalist:

 “It seems that there are twice as many graves of killed soldiers as there were… exactly a year ago.”

Putin Gives Clear Warning - Vox Popoli

(As usual - 'American' leadership, which ain't American, wants a war - WeDaPeople are unaware or not interested in war - so we'll probably get one! - CL)

If NATO assists in any long-range attacks on Russia, Russia will strike NATO directly. The problem is that the neoclowns desperately want the war between Russia and NATO to go hot because it’s the only path that might give them sufficient cover to permit them to escape the inevitable wrath of the West that they have abused and misruled for the last 40 years.

The Minestrippers - Vox Popoli

 It’s not just big established companies that are being managed into irrelevance and eventual extinction. A good article on the “mismanagerial class” doesn’t quite get down to the roots of the structural problem with the US corpocracy:

The problem of companies being enthusiastically managed into irrelevance is often simplified to blaming MBAs, but this doesn’t tell the whole story. Although Intel’s Otellini and Boeing’s McNerney were MBAs, Sony’s Idei was just a career manager who went to college in Japan. Jeff Immelt, an MBA, presided over the precipitous decline of General Electric from 2001 to 2017. Yet his notorious predecessor for twenty years, Jack Welch, is often held equally responsible—and he had a PhD in chemical engineering. Westinghouse, once an American industrial conglomerate with a major line of business in building nuclear reactors, undertook a seemingly absurd and ultimately fatal pivot into becoming a media company in the 1990s. The man who led that change, Michael H. Jordan, was a chemical engineer by training too—though also a former McKinsey partner.

Rather, the problem seems to stem from a particular way of thinking about what a company even is, what its goals are, and what measures are or are not appropriate to achieve those goals. In simplified terms, we can think of companies as organized to create value and sustain themselves by capturing a portion of the created value as financial profit. When executives, board members, and major investors manage companies by and for the bottom line, they operate on a theory of the company as a vehicle solely for capturing profit. When this happens, the difficult and holistic question of creating value in the first place—a question unique for every company—simply goes unaddressed. It is treated as a permanently solved, one-time problem that no longer merits attention or resources; at Boeing, for instance, senior engineers were reportedly told they were no longer needed because Boeing’s products were “mature,” as if it was impossible for further progress in airplanes to ever be made. The focus is instead on raising profit margins and share prices through cost-cutting and various other attempts to improve efficiency or appeal to investors. This school of thought appears to be the dominant one in the influential U.S. financial sector and might be termed “shareholder capitalism.”

Outside of software and the few domains where former software entrepreneurs have already founded new market entrants, creating more unique and tangible value is at best a secondary concern after capturing more profit or contributing to the intangible value of a society with socially conscious firms.

This implies that much of the modern economy is not even trying to undertake productive economic activity as it is commonly understood. Though surprising, this conclusion seems to provide a satisfying and elegant explanation for many contemporary socioeconomic mysteries. Though MBAs, financiers, managers, or accountants are perhaps more inclined to view a company as a vehicle for capturing profits or intangibly contributing to society, there is nothing preventing trained engineers from inclining toward the same views as well. After all, engineers are formally trained in engineering, not in an alternative theory of business management.

From startup to giant government-supported effective monopoly, the core concept of the “company” has changed. Until the 1980s, a company was understood to be an organization that existed in order to profitably provide goods and services to its customers. But with the onset of financialization, a company became seen as a vehicle for the transfer of money from the government, from venture capitalists, or from Wall Street to the primary stakeholders. The customers were secondary, the goods and services tertiary. The existing businesses and customer bases are nothing more than mines to be stripped of all their assets, then abandoned, barren and empty.

This is why deplatforming – unthinkable in “the customer is always right era” – is now very common and the quality of the goods being produced and the services being provided is in free fall. The convergence of the corporations is rendering them totally incapable of fulfilling their nominal core functions, and combined with the financialization of the corporate sector, means they’re not even incentivized to attempt to fulfill those functions.

If Lockheed Martin can arrange to get a government contract paying $100 billion for a single jet fighter that cannot even fly, that’s great business by today’s standards. If a startup can receive $1 billion in venture capital without ever generating a single dime of income, that’s a home run by today’s standards. And yet, there is no actual economic activity. There is nothing being produced and no services provided.

In other words, it’s a fragile system with a foundation that isn’t built on sand, but thin air. Which is why it is vital for those who wish to survive, and perhaps even thrive, amidst the system’s inevitable ruins to ignore the way business is done today and focus on the age-old principles of providing genuine value to actual customers.


When the Mismanagerial Class Destroys Great Companies

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Since 2021, Intel’s revenue has crashed by a third. Since 2018, Boeing’s has fallen by a quarter. Sony’s revenue hasn’t meaningfully grown since 2008. It is easy to tell when a company stalls or stumbles. But it takes a meticulous, in-depth investigation to determine whether such failings are evidence of organizational dysfunction, or just the temporary setbacks and necessary hurdles that any competent organization might face. When failures can be traced to bad strategy or structure, the mistake’s origin might already be decades in the past. It is remarkable that three modern-day high-tech companies, at the tops of very different fields, all made catastrophic strategic errors apparently as soon as they put outsiders to the company’s technical tradition of knowledge in charge. They are unlikely to be the only similar cases in the global economy